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Plants from UKAPS members

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5 Mar 2010
Hi all

I'm feeling a tad disgruntled. Have any of you really regretted the plants you've purchased or been given by other members?
I've had quite a few great plants and been happy with most, but today I received some moss and a windelov fern, that really disappointed me.
I'd received a nano cube from my children for Fathers day and being a bit short of cash, I was delighted to see the offer of suitable plants on here.
So having taken the time to carefully superglue lots of small pieces of moss to the wood and attaching the fern I set about scaping the tank. It was not until I'd finally got everything in place and filled the tank that I saw how badly affected by BBA the windelov leaf tips were. Then I saw the moss and it was riddled with this awful hard to get rid of algae!
Why do folk do this!?!?!?
These are the plants that we need to cut and chuck from our own tanks, so why kindly offer them to other members!?!?


No I just paid the postage, £1.50.
But the annoying thing was the time spent only to have to dismantle the display and trim it all away. I can still see BBA though 🙁
Had some great plants off here too Luis, but this is the second time I've received rubbish!

I just wish folk wouldn't do this.

Hi Gfish

The plants you got were from me. So I'm also now feeling a tad disgruntled.

I am dissapointed that you are not happy with the condition of the plants - I would not say that the moss is at all affected by BBA and the Windelov only very slightly. This will not 'spread' and affect your plants if your conditions are unsuitable for this type of algae. The Windelov was a fern which had grown on the mother plant and gotton too big, and the moss was from a trim - not plants which I should have thrown out because of poor quality. If I felt there were any issues with the plants I would have mentioned them in the advert.

If you were unhappy I wish you would have contacted me so we could have resolved it. This thread dissapoints me greatly since I thought you were getting a lot of plants - a whole 'scape worth from what you are saying - a Windelov at big as two or three tropica pots and a large clump of Taiwan moss, especially for £1.50. I've offered plants many times before and never received any complaints, apart from badly travelled Blyxa, which I've either reimbursed or sent another trim. This thread will make me think twice about offering plants in future, which I think would be a shame because I always offer plants for donation which benefits the forum, not myself.
Im with amy4342 on this one, dont be so damned ungrateful.

If you received them free, check them, if your not happy throw them away. Its that simple! :jawdrop

Some people really shock me they really do.

Hi all,

It's unfortunate that occasionally the recipient of a UKAPS Member's plants will not be happy with their purchase/donation, but in future please consider attempting to resolve the issue via PM, rather than create potential ill-feeling and embarrassment by airing your disappointment publicly.

I hope this experience does not put off folk offering up their plants in the future to fellow UKAPS Members.

The UKAPS Sale/Wanted sub-forum is the success it is because of well-intentioned, like-minded, and generous hobbyists. I'd really like to see this postive attitude towards this amazing hobby of ours continue.

You guys are unreal! I take the 'generous offer of plants'
Receive heavily algaed moss and badly affected Windelov and I'm the bad guy all of a sudden!

George I understand your sentiment and maybe I should not have been so hasty, but we Brits do have a habit of getting walked on and we all too often take it.

The lesson I've learnt here is in future to ask if the plants are useable? Have algae? Damaged? Etc. Questions that seem stupid really, but there's obviously a need when some folk feel it's ok to send bad plants.

As I said, it wasn't until I dipped the wood that I'd attached all the moss and fern to into the tank and built the scape with rocks etc then turned the light on, that i saw how bad things were.

But hey, It seems everyones just feeling sorry for Amy now. I didn't ask for sympathy just wondered how often this happens?

Ho hum, a lesson learnt.

Amy, I'm not joking though, if you received plants like this you'd be very disappointed, BBA galore I'm afraid, the last thing you want in a new tank!
If I'd paid you for them, I'd have sent a PM, but as you suggested a donation I brought it up here. Rightly or wrongly!?
I agree with George that it would probably been better if you'd resolved any problems privately but I also agree with Gfish. Why would anyone offer plants that even show the smallest sign of algae growth? Or if there is surely a small disclaimer would have been a good idea? "I have some cuttings/plantlets that you can have, tho there is a small amount of algae that you should be aware of" that sort of thing. Tho I have been accused of being ungrateful in the past! 😉

I must admit that the main reason I, so far, have never offered up any plants it that I don't believe that mine are up to a decent standard to share, so they get held or binned.

It would be a shame for this thread to dissuade anyone from offering plants for sale/donation...
Gfish, I'll PM you in an attempt to resolve this and keep any animosity away from the forum.

I'm just a bit upset that you're implying I'm offering terrible plants to members, because I check all plants before even offering them on the forum - if I think there's even the smallest defect, or I wouldn't be happy to receive them, I bin them, simple. I have checked the tank these came from and found no traces of BBA, I'm wondering if they suffered in the post and the 'BBA' is maybe decay? I really can think of no other explanation. I've offered many plants in the past, from different tanks and different species, and I've never ever received a complaint about their quality.

Lesson learned however, I won't stop donating plants to other members - they shouldn't suffer as a result of this, but I will post pictures of the plants so that people can see exactly what they are receiving.
Hi all,
Personally I'd have to say my sympathies lie with Amy, but I do understand what Gfish is saying. I think some of the problems come because we are a "broad church", and have very different ideas about what constitutes "unacceptable algae" or a healthy plant.

All my plants have some amount of algae on them, I see this as an entirely normal situation and I would be quite concerned if it stopped happening. I realise that other people don't think like this and would regard any algae as unacceptable.

It's for this reason that I've stopped offering any spare aquatic moss on this forum, because I'm aware that all my moss has some amount of green thread algae with it, very little of it is just one species, I don't definitively know what most of it is and nearly all of it has some amount of Utricularia gibba intermingled as well. I'm still giving moss away on other forums.

My preferred option is I'll donate the plant and pay the postage, and the recipient can then donate money to UKAPS, or "swap it on" etc.

cheers Darrel
I understand the members affected by these issues will communicate via PM so I'm closing this thread now.

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