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New online plant store


3 Jul 2007
Bexley, Kent
I've been contacted by a new plant supplier which looks quite promising. If anybody wishes to give them a try I'd like to hear back on your views. Website is http://www.plantedtanks.co.uk

There is a 10% discount off your order. Use UKAPS1 as the checkout code. This will only be available for UK mainland deliveries only.

Just placed an order...

Didn't read the last post fully and missed the discount code ...doh

Never mind

Also can't seem to see how to register, can see the login buttons.
Hi Tony,

Great site..

I was looking for Amazon's, and couldn't find them on your site, until I saw that Echinodorus has been misspelt, you named it Echindorous.

Great plants you got, and really cheap, with the low postage prices it is indeed a shop to look at.

Very good that you accept paypal.

What is the turn around from ordering to sending the plants out?
Also, I would setup a Twitter account, people follow on Twitter, join on Facebook.. 🙂

Great site, very good indeed, the way we can group plants by continent just helps out, especially if we are setting up a biotope.
To answer the questions posed:
registration is done at your first checkout. You set delivery details and passwords there.

Typos will be addressed this evening or when I get back to a pc.


Frosties said:
To answer the questions posed:
registration is done at your first checkout. You set delivery details and passwords there.

See it now, I just pressed the "Pay with Paypal" buttonon the cart page didn't see the checkout link at the top of the page,
Thanks for the comments Steve. I have no doubt that will be one of my next steps. Although I am sure that before I can become a sponsor, the quality of the plants etc will need to be verified; and I fully support this approach. How can / could anyone support plantedtanks becoming a sponsor without checking we are not cowboys.

Hopefully time will do this verification and support.

As for the checkout issue thanks for this and it will be addressed. If you can pm me your postal details, email account and details of what you have ordered I can tally this up with you paypal receipt and sort this out for you. I will include something in your order as an apology.
Could I ask that all questions and correspondance for plantedtanks.co.uk be asked on their website and not on the forum here.

just ordered couple of plants lets see the quality of them, will let you know soon
Well, I decided to bite the bullet and place an order. I've been building up my tank slowly over the last few months, converting it to a cold tank with goldfish to a tropical scape with live plants. It's the first time I've ventured in to live plants so was a bit unsure of what to buy. I had several correspondance with Tony, gave him a general run down of what I had, where I was aiming etc and he came back with his suggestions. I ended up going with a bunched deal of 20 bunches and he very kindly made up a batch of plants of the South American theme to suit the way my tank is heading.

Delivery was even faster than I could have imagined as he had enough stock to get them out the same week as I placed my order. He was totally honest and up front and admitted that a couple of the plants were not up to the standard he expected and has therefore said that he will be sending my a couple more this week to compensate. The plants arrived Saturday by guaranteed special delivery... don't ask me how he manages the postage cost, but I'm sure he's not going to do himself out of money.

The plants went in the tank Saturday morning and now it's Monday evening. A couple of plants are looking a little worse for wear, but as mentioned above, he did state that a couple were not up to the standard he expects so I guess that's to be expected. In contrast, a couple of the plants I cannot believe have only been in 3 days as they have grown well already. The Limnobium laevigatum has two new leaves out and shows signs of more growth. In fact, I'll have to be careful not to allow it to overtake and reduce the light to the plants underneath.

All in all I'm impressed, a good selection of healthy plants and Tony is very easy to deal with and happy to talk through your needs and help out where he can.

As I say, I'm new to the live plant world so I expect that I will probably lose some, but it's a learning process of what works for you and what your tank likes. My mate has a live plant set up as well and his has been established for some time and he was impressed with the plants.

So it's a thumbs up from me :thumbup:

A few people are asking me questions and are providing me links to certain areas of the forum... unfortunately I think that these are in the for sale section somewhere as I cannot gain access to it. Is there a limit to certain forum areas?

With this in mind, I would ask therefore for people who would like me to comment on specifics in the forum - to email me as per James' suggestion above, but also include the text from the thread as well.

many thanks

Tony you need a minimum of 25 posts to use the sales section.
Received my plants Sat morning as promised.
They are the Best Quality plants i have ever had through mail order & at a really value for money price.
Will certainly use again, :thumbup:

Regards Steve
LondonDragon said:
Tony you need a minimum of 25 posts to use the sales section.

realised this after I posted the comments. Thanks James

also thanks to luis and Steve for the comments re the plants and sales section. I hope your plants do your tanks well.
i don't actually buy that many plants but thought i'd give it a go.
one lot didn't show up in the uk,so thats been re-ordered by Tony already.
i must admit that i'm surprised at the quality.only one looking a bit rough is the glosso.

i've undone one bunch of Ludwigia Arcuata and theres 17 stems .
i'd say the hairgrass is about a pots worth,though it doesn't look it in the picture.
the glosso is about 1/2 a pot.