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Product Review NACD aquariums

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This is a real shame as I’ve had several tanks from NACD. I do collect them myself as they’re based not too far from Heathrow airport.

I’ve even collected from the chaps house.
Yeah real shame, I think the business is in trouble. Zero communication still so far (other then another broken promise regarding delivery) and looks like I’ll be trying to get my money back from the credit card company. Will happily update if there is a positive outcome but that looks highly unlikely.
Really? Have you had any luck with credit card company yet? That’s my next step. I’ve formally given him 24hrs to refund (he won’t I’m sure) then I’ll go direct to credit card company. Thankfully I paid via credit card and I really feel for those who haven’t as then it really becomes difficult. Like I said previously I think the business is in trouble.
Ive used them a few times, delivery dates and comms are always poor, but quality and price have always been very good so far. Saying that I am chasing them again with no response to my order 29 working days ago (15-20 working days stated until delivery). Fingers crossed!

Edit: I would advise some patience, if we’re all trying to get new tanks then causing them issues isn’t going to help - but to each their own of course.
I have had a response from credit card company
It’s not something I ever wanted to do, but months of waiting, and no response to an email (similar to yours) has left me with little choice
I wonder how long the credit card require before they will take action? I.e how much of a delay with no communication (or delay from promised delivery date) is seen as the limit before they step in….
I wonder how long the credit card require before they will take action? I.e how much of a delay with no communication (or delay from promised delivery date) is seen as the limit before they step in….
I had to do this with my bank on some motorcycle parts, had to wait 60 days for no response until refund. Of course it may vary but that was HSBC.
I had to do this with my bank on some motorcycle parts, had to wait 60 days for no response until refund. Of course it may vary but that was HSBC.
Thanks for the info. Seems with Mastercard it’s 30 days no response from refund request
Update: Sam (NACD) has now been in contact and has offered to refund (10-15 days). Will update after this period has passed.
Ive used them a few times, delivery dates and comms are always poor, but quality and price have always been very good so far. Saying that I am chasing them again with no response to my order 29 working days ago (15-20 working days stated until delivery). Fingers crossed!

That's been my experience too. Sam is not great at keeping up with e-mails, and I think he also has a habit of over-promising on dates that he actually can't achieve.

However the tanks are of good quality and reasonably priced compared to other suppliers. He made the sump for my current tank (Remanso) and its excellent.

If I needed a new tank, I would order from him, but I would set my expectations on delivery lead time.
Did they mention the progress of the aquarium? I mean if it’s made then maybe you could actually get what you want?
No he didn’t, just blamed the workshop. I have my doubts as to wether they have even been started to be honest, you’d think he offer some type of timescale if they were complete or close to being complete.
Regardless he’d be wasting his time anyway as he’s already made two false promises on delivery so I simply wouldn’t believe any future date given and have lost all faith. I’ll hold out for the refund but don’t hold out much hope.
Hi everyone, first time posting here.

I used NACD about 18 months ago, I ordered directly from their website not from eBay. I bought a tank in a regular size, not bespoke, that was "in stock". This took just over 1 month to arrive. But it was a great tank, optiwhite with clean clear silicon edges, no scratches etc

I needed a new larger tank to keep up with the growth of my goldfish so decided to go with NACD again since the quality of the last one was good and likewise the pricing is fair. I placed my order on the 2nd of June, it's now 41 days gone and no tank yet. It took over a month to even get a response from Sam via email and he told me the tank will be ready " next week", that was two weeks ago. I have tried to call but no answer, left a message and no call back from that. The fact their business contact number is a mobile number and their registered office since May 2023 is a residential property and no longer a commercial one is a BIG red flag to me. I notice now their eBay account is completely vacant of listings. If they're no longer listing on eBay do they even have any stock at all? "NACD Group LTD" have also only ever filled abridged accounts with Companies House, so no Profit & Loss information, they're a small, financially weak company that are clearly in way over their heads.

I've been looking at ND Aquatics LTD has an alternative.
To offer some clarity to NACD.

I believe Sam is the sole employee of the company i.e. he doesn’t employ anyone it’s just him.

He is based out of his home address and stores the tanks in a storage facility 2 minutes from his home.

I’d imagine his business model is based on the tanks being ordered and then he passes the build specs onto his chosen supplier who make the tanks.

I don’t believe he keeps much stock of anything and even those that he claims to be “in stock” are likely not.

Project management and time keeping isn’t everyone’s forte.

As others have mentioned, I’f you wanted quality at a fraction of the price, then something else has to give.

You can’t have it all.

I hope those reading this think of both sides equally before ordering and make an informed choice to help manage their own expectations.
I ordered from them in April 2022, the tank didn't arrived when it was supposed to (no tracking was given until I contacted them telling them that it hadn't arrived). Thankfully it arrived a few days later, sadly it was the wrong size, it was 30cm tall instead of 35cm. I was then going to agree a partial refund and just keep the aquarium instead of waiting all over again. I then inspected it and found that it had been damaged, I assume in transit. I then got messed about waiting for it to be collected, sitting in all day and nobody coming to collect, getting fobbed off repeatedly with what felt like excuses, eventually resorting to me having to cart the thing to post office myself and package it all up and send it back to them myself. I ended up demanding a refund after all the hassle. From the little I saw, they seemed like good quality for the money. I guess expecting anything other than budget CS at budget prices was too good to be true though.


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