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Looking for a sturdy stem


30 Nov 2023
I'm looking for a background stem with sturdy thick stems and round bright leaves (somewhat like Lobelia Cardinalis, but smaller?) Or like Rotala Indica 'bonsai'.
The need for a thick sturdy stem comes from the fact that there is a strong current in that corner and I don't want the plants to "lean" over the rest next to it .

Any suggestions?

Not sure you'll find any aquatic plant that has thick enough stems to withstand strong flow without bending to some degree. But here are a few suggestions

Hygrophila ssp.
Pogostemon erectus
Ludwigia repens
Not sure you'll find any aquatic plant that has thick enough stems to withstand strong flow without bending to some degree. But here are a few suggestions

Hygrophila ssp.
Pogostemon erectus
Ludwigia repens
I already have Pogo E in my tank, otherwise it would be a good option, although a slow grower. Can't find what Hygrophila ssp is...

"Bacopa caroliniana"
That's the kind of leaf form I'm looking for. But it is a slow grower isn't it?
This might be an option?
Or this
This might be an option?
Also already have limnophila aromatica in the tank. Beautiful plant with gorgeous colouring
Siamensis in the back!
Thank you all for the help!
