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HC Propergator Journal into DSM


4 Feb 2010
Hello Emersed growing people.

I picked up a cheap Propergator from the garden centre on the weekend after seeing 4 for 11pound on some bursting pots on HC in amwell aquatics Epping.

I'm using old ada aqua soil mixed with power sand special, topped with manando jbl as the base. I'm misting 3 times a day with a mix of ada ferts and TPN+ , I wonder if this is TOO much? Is there any adverse effects I should be weary of with 'over dosing'

Light is from an old arcadia 9w cliped on the the side of my tank, it also gets abit of light from my 18w from the tank its near, so hoping that's enough :)

Here's the starting picture. There's just over a pots worth in there.
Re: HC Propergator Journal

With the lid on, which has a opening to reduce humidity



I planted just over one pot, quite densely. I tried to do single sprigs buut towards to end got just settle for small 2 to 4 sprig clumps

Re: HC Propergator Journal

If also change my misting bottle mix.

I'm now using 3/4 ml of TPN+ mxed with 500ml water. This may still be to strong, but after the initial fet heavy dosing the manando should be loaded...a least a little.

Also drained away some water, and am dosing around 4 squirts 3 times a day....things semm good humidity is good judging by the water on the lip. Also some new growth, nothing amazing to need pictures but give it a week and ill update again.

Re: HC Propergator Journal

From what I've noticed in my Mini M, I would lower the water more. Try not to have any standing water, just damp substrate. If I remember right, Tom Barr also recommended misting a couple of times a week only. Looks good though, good luck with it.

Also, if you get rid of the standing water, I'd shut the lid to keep very high humidity. I've found it got a bit crispy in another tank with a less well-fitting cover!

Re: HC Propergator Journal

Cheers Tom, I've soaked up the standing water with a sponge and closed the lip fully now. Also going to back off with the misting.

I'm going to get a few more on the go and get a farm going of the more popular plants such as P.hellferi staury and glosso. Should be fun :)

thanks again mate
Re: HC Propergator Journal

I am growing HC emersed, open air, at the window sill, with just twice misting a day, on garden soil, and after some melting and two weeks finaly I am seeing some sprouts coming up. Tiny little leaves. :)

I would say keep the soil moist and let a bit of air in.
Re: HC Propergator Journal

I think you will find the best results come with very high humidity, I would keep the vents closed!
In the summer this is quite easy to do, as you can leave the propagator in a very sunny position with just a tiny bit of vent open but, inside with an external light the prop will steam up preventing the light getting to the plants.
It is a compromise all the time unless you get more technical with a internal light & tiny fan.
I have fond it easy to grow HC in a large prop inside my garden greenhouse, no misting required & no vent open but, in the winter it dies right back!
Re: HC Propergator Journal

Really well mate, so well in fact that I stripped my nano down replaced the old crush mud amazonia (down to be rescaping and pulling plants out) and put in a bag on flora base powder and I'm going to scape that and transfer the hc once its filled my propagater.

Ill check back with a updated pic in 10mate
Re: HC Propergator Journal

Cheers Tom,

Its so easy to grow, I was going to wait till the propagater filled then split it up again and replant it in a really long propagater on the window sill for the summer, but decided to try a dsm on my nano, shouldn't take long to cover it, just gotta get some rock and wait for it to fill out its current propagater and ill start a journal.

Re: HC Propergator Journal

Like it bud :) :) :)

Tempted to do some thing like this with my arcadia arc tank after I've bred some minnows in it.
Re: HC Propergator Journal

Hey ppl the prop went super well, and filled so quickly so I decided to try a dry start on my recently emptied nano.
Went to the LFS and got a bag of 5l bag of clomobo florabase Fine for 12quid! Bargain!

Any way I messed about for ages and finaly decided on this rock layout. I reeeeeally like it but let me know what you think.


Its been going for about a week of so and nearly filled right in, plus there was some spare so the prop should be full again in no time :D

Not sure when the fill will be. I want a fluval 205 and a new cal aqua intake before I fill for sure though
I must be onto a winner your all speechless haha.

I filled it yesterday, more to rid the substrate of the old water, and to have a look what it was like flooded. I took a few pics on my fone so here goes

This shot looked amazing in person.



Got abit carried away when filling it aye! Looks like a cube of water no glass haha
Cheers guys,

I was thinking about using flame moss behind the right stone when its filled, hair grass is another idea, most likely go with the moss :) also a mini moss around the base of the big stone,

I'd love to get some shrimp in there when its filled and the initial co2 blasting whilst the HC transitions is over, moss and shrimp go hand in had aye haha.

Looks like the dsm has really worked out for you, it seems to work well for others ..if I was going to try hc again I'd probably try it to.
Really like the rock layout, definatly drop some moss in there ur shrimps will love it.