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Glenns 15L Nano Iwagumi Journal (lots of pics)


19 Jan 2009
hello, this is my first propper fully commited planted tank,(i have kept plants but they were just thrown in) i was tired of waiting to get the stuff i need for my 180L so in the mean time i thought i will set up a nano and i had most of the stuff needed for it any way 😀


tank- 15L (14'x8'x8'--36x20x20cm) very old scrached, chiped a bit, some stains around the rim i cant seem to get of :evil: (i think evaporated water) hopfully they will be less visable when filled. :shifty:

lighting- 11w desk lamp

filtration-azoo mignon 150 HOB

co2- easycarbo @ half a mill a day

heating-i dont no yet, i do have 25w but it is big and unsightly, i might leave it to room temp (will this be ok?)😵 or buy a heating mat iv seen designed for betta tanks.

ferts & nutrients-EI :thumbup:

substrate-JBL aquabasis plus caped with unipac black micro gravel 1 inch at front sloping to 4 inches at back

hardscape-of course Seiryu Stone (mini landscape rock) about 2k

its not planted yet just scaped, i should be ordering my plants on tuesday(from TGM) and hopfully receiving them thursday or friday 😵
pics - firstly, apologies for the very poor picture quality the good camera was away at the time but i got it back for some better pics :crazy:

the bare tank

adding the base layer of JBl aquabasis plus

from the side

i didnt take it right to the front to stop the layer effect when viewing it...

capping with the gravel

adding the main stone

the other stones...

the last one

i got back the slightly better camera at this point

main stone left view...

right view

planting-i plan to buy Eleocharis parvula and Marsilea hirsuta (i would have gone with HC but wanted to try somthing not so popular) and possibly another plant.
hopfully like this...

i plan to buy 2 pots of Eleocharis and 3 pots of Marsilea hirsuta, do you think this will be enough?

comments and critiques welcome, and any questions please ask :thumbup:

thanks for the replies :thumbup:
about the hardscape, i would apose the smaller rocks towards the bigger one but when i tryed it the opposit sides of the rock that you would see IMO look quite bad...but im giving it a go now and will hopfully get pics up tonight 🙄

thanks for the critique 😀
glenn said:
thanks for the replies :thumbup:
about the hardscape, i would apose the smaller rocks towards the bigger one but when i tryed it the opposit sides of the rock that you would see IMO look quite bad...but im giving it a go now and will hopfully get pics up tonight 🙄

thanks for the critique 😀

I know what you mean, everytime I went to the LFS to look for rocks, I found rocks with a good face that was always pointing upwards-left. Whilst I like the stone on the left in my nano, it's not as "perfect" in my eyes as my right hand piece.

At the end of the day, it's your tank, so if you're happy with how it looks then roll with it.
Looks a lot better although I would move the smallest stone so it was out of line with the medium stone; so either towards the bigger stone or further away (left or right when viewed from the front).

Hope thats helpful,