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George's 80cm - final shots

George Farmer

21 Jun 2007
My Juwel Rio 125. Photo taken with my new Canon 10D, after 34 days of growth.

I think the left ned to lighten up and the narrow fern needs to mature.

Another 4 or 5 weeks I reckon to "completion".


Light - 4 x JBL 18w T8, 9 hours
Filter - TetraTec EX 1200, Aquatic Magic glassware, Hydor inline heater
CO2 - JBL 2Kg + solenoid, Rhinox 2000, 4dKH drop checker
Substrate - JBL + silica sand
Ferts - 5ml Tropica PN+ daily, 1/2 WC per week

Hyphessobrycon metae
Hyphessobrycon amandae
Caradina multidentata
Otocinclus sp.

Glossostigma elatinoides
Eleocharis acicularis
Blyxa japonica
Anubias barteri var. nana
Microsorium pteropus ‘Narrow’
Bolbitis heudelotii
Rotala sp. ‘Green’
Eustaralis stellata
Very nice George.

This should turn in to a decent `V` composition once the Eusteralis stellata has grown and been pruned.

The Hyphessobrycon amandae look great against the green. The deep orange always shows up well. I am considering filling my 240l future project with these, although the ones I can source seem to take forever to settle and show their true colours.

The transition from Glosso to Blyxa and Anubias looks pretty good, too. The stacking of plants from the foreground to the background is first class, IMO.

Photography wise, you may have over exposed a little. Try using exposure compensation and taking it down a step at a time. I generally find slightly underexposing reduces the white out at the tops of the stems nearest the lights, and gives a little more colour saturation with deeper greens.

I expect it is going to take a pretty skilled team of surgeons to amputate the new camera from your paws. :lol:

Thanks everyone.

Matt - the JBL stuff is clay-based, no N or P. My is tap is loaded though.

The GSA from the Anubias has actually disappeared and the glass rarely needs scraping. No KH2PO4 in sight...

Interestingly Tropica consider my dosing is very rich. I actually met the top guys yesterday.
George Farmer said:
Thanks everyone.

Matt - the JBL stuff is clay-based, no N or P. My is tap is loaded though.

The GSA from the Anubias has actually disappeared and the glass rarely needs scraping. No KH2PO4 in sight...

Interestingly Tropica consider my dosing is very rich. I actually met the top guys yesterday.

interesting 🙂 ive just ordered some more TPN and gone for the +, ill cut down the dry and see how it handles it. will be an interesting test.

looks lovely btw 🙂 nice job
Hey George hows it going, long time no post from me been busy, its all good, back in time to offer my critique :lol:

It looks good George your nearly there, the foreground/ midground is excellent, I think the stems need a bit of attention though (pretty sure you know that) overall very good though so far IMHO.

I am also using the Tropica+ on 2 tanks atm, on a low light tank I got GSA all over the plants/glass etc, I had to add some phosphate from PO4 to get rid of it.

On the other tank (highlight tank 5WPG) its working well but that tank has Aquasoil, Im dosing 2ml per day on that one with regular water changes, 54L tank.
Thanks, Peter. I'm good but very busy too...

I've just performed a minor re-scape. It'll be updated on the PFK blog soon.

Here's a half decent shot of the fish. I've a long way to go before I even scratch the surface of this camera's potential.

George Farmer said:
Thanks, Peter. I'm good but very busy too...

I've just performed a minor re-scape. It'll be updated on the PFK blog soon.

Here's a half decent shot of the fish. I've a long way to go before I even scratch the surface of this camera's potential.

wish i could get my anubias looking like that
Frolicsome_Flora said:
George Farmer said:
Thanks, Peter. I'm good but very busy too...

I've just performed a minor re-scape. It'll be updated on the PFK blog soon.

Here's a half decent shot of the fish. I've a long way to go before I even scratch the surface of this camera's potential.

wish i could get my anubias looking like that

Tropica plants + Tropica ferts is half the story I think.
Looking good mate.

Just looking at your main full tank shot........ have you fiddled with it in any way? For the 10D the pic quality is abit below what i would expect. It looks like youve put it into photo shop and fiddled with the contrast, shaddows and sharpness, it just looks a little paculiar for such a good camara. Im not picking falt mate, just my initial reaction to the photo its self not the scape. The scape is ace, deffinatly need to work on those stems, get them looking oober bushy. The for to mid is looking very ADA, which is nice.

it looks lovely mate, the only thing i would add is there seems to be something missing from the far right mid ground. i would put something in front of the stems by the side glass at the moment it seems to just stop and not fade out to the side if that makes any sense.

only a minor thing though. it looks really healthy and i like the variation of colour and texture which is further added to by the use of wood and rock. beautiful. 😀
Graeme Edwards said:
Looking good mate.

Just looking at your main full tank shot........ have you fiddled with it in any way? For the 10D the pic quality is abit below what i would expect. It looks like youve put it into photo shop and fiddled with the contrast, shaddows and sharpness, it just looks a little paculiar for such a good camara. Im not picking falt mate, just my initial reaction to the photo its self not the scape. The scape is ace, deffinatly need to work on those stems, get them looking oober bushy. The for to mid is looking very ADA, which is nice.


Thanks mate.

Yes, I did a lot of post-processing using crappy MS Picture It. I also used my old desktop PC with CRT monitor, hence why I've over-sharpened, too much contrast etc. When I see the image on my laptop it looks awful!

How about the fish photo, Graeme?

I'll be using the tripod tonight and trying out different ISOs, WBs etc. Should be fun!

Do you use aperture priority with auto focus (set on lens) most of the time?
Thats a very beautiful looking tank, i wish my knoweldge and skill was anywhere near this level 🙂

jimbooo said:
it looks lovely mate, the only thing i would add is there seems to be something missing from the far right mid ground. i would put something in front of the stems by the side glass at the moment it seems to just stop and not fade out to the side if that makes any sense.

Thanks for the tip, James.
The fish pics are good for how you've taken them, but after seeing Daves fash gun, i think a flash would be a wise investmant, something ill have to get myself.

You can tell you fiddled with the levels ect.

I would use a tripod, set the cam to partial segmented metering ( i tried this at Dans, on his tank, it gives the best reading by far ) and use AV, set to around 6-8f. The auto focuse will be a switch on the lens.

Graeme Edwards said:
The fish pics are good for how you've taken them, but after seeing Daves fash gun, i think a flash would be a wise investmant, something ill have to get myself.

You can tell you fiddled with the levels ect.

I would use a tripod, set the cam to partial segmented metering ( i tried this at Dans, on his tank, it gives the best reading by far ) and use AV, set to around 6-8f. The auto focuse will be a switch on the lens.


Thanks, Graeme.

Yes, I've been looking at second hand studio flashes.

I know about the AF/M swtich on the lens, thanks. I was asking what you normally shoot - auto or manual focus?

I need to figure out the metering settings. Time to read the manual again!

I can't seem to get a real sharp full tank shot. I used tripod and self-timer, various settings (ISO, Tv, Av, range of f-stops, shutter speeds etc.) Some shots were clearly better than others but when zoomed in the clarity isn't great. Not what I'd expect anyway.

Any ideas? Maybe the metering is the key?

Cheers mate.
For my full tank shots I use my tripod, have the camera in AV mode with the aperture between 4 and 8 dependant on light. Then I set it on the timer and leave it to take it. I use manual focus and set it to something like a rock thats roughly in the midground. They came out pretty good that way. But I was using an "L" lens so that may have helped with sharpness.
