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Dutch 110ltr

Really this is an update just to give a little look at where we are at. Not my best shots pre-maintenance and not really zoomed for close inspection. Just some to get a feel for the scapes shape atm. Looking forward to getting some of the plants a little taller whilst maintaining shape to give those lovely shadows. Anyways here is the photo update.




Been a little savage on the trimming and my co2 ran out last week so colours are not popping atm but getting refill on Thursday so will be back in track probably in a couple of weeks.

"No journey is easy" and this journal does not intend to make it look any different.
So it's time to move on....

So as those who follow I'm not a man to hold on to a scape for too long. This is partly due to the love of something new and also because some scapes you can see will never meet your expectations without a restart.

For the last 6 years I have been Dutch style but often you yern for learning domething a little different applying knowledge differently. So....

I have turned the scale into a nature scape. First I some time so I'm sure there will be plenty of new tank moving around and rethinking but if you want to follow the newest blog is going to be called "Miles James:- journeying the nature scape" hopefully you will want to follow. Here are some pictures to show you what has been done so far...




So a little update not so much planting wise I will get into that once plants have recovered from recent trim, some of the newer plants have converted and I have replanted some sections to move it together to form more distinct areas.

So what I want to update you guys on is my new front cover section I built. It's just a simple construction that attaches to the front glass but gives the illusion of a fully contained unit.

I still have to wax the wood but otherwise I feel its come out exactly how I wanted it.


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Hi guys,

Looking fir a little help anyone know what this white stuff on this crypt is?

Doesn't come off like an algea is it a deficiency???
Not a great picture so can’t really tell for sure but maybe bacterial bloom or maybe this will be relevant

Not a great picture so can’t really tell for sure but maybe bacterial bloom or maybe this will be relevant

Hi Tim,

Funny after posting I realised I did a blue green algea treatment to kill off cyanobacteria so it maybe due to the chems.

I'm not great with crypts so wasn't sure.

Anyway thanks for your help 😁
So I've been keeping quite and for good reason. I'd like to say I've been working hard on my Dutch but the truth is things have changed. My wife and I have always debated my style of scaping. She likes nature scapes I have been more into dutch for the plant techniques and how it teaches you to try get the best out of them. Given I have had more dutch style than nature and the new dutch was struggling we settled on something a bit different. I have been working on a nature scape with some differences to the norm I will post a thread committed to this which I will link here. For now here is a picture of the tank 1 month in. Let me know what you think and I hope you guys follow the new thread.