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Drag/Drop Windows 8

G H Nelson

Global Moderator
14 Dec 2008
Hemel Hempstead
Hi Crew
I know there's a few wiz-kids on here who work with Computers.
I have a massive Music collection ..as per above i would like to drag&drop some of those music files in to certain folders...and re-organise them.
Apparently this function doesn't work in Windows 8?...Well done Microsoft:thumbdown: :mad:
Can anyone help with a solution?
I've tried various fixes none work:( :confused:

Depends what you mean by drag and drop, and where you're trying to do it...

I'm sitting on a Windows 8 PC, which I work with on a daily basis and I have no issues dragging and dropping stuff, but I'm using a mouse... If you're using it with "touch" then dragging stuff is a bit weird. But even then, you can select all the folders/files and just use cut and paste.

If you're on a standard PC, just go to the desktop and use it like you would Windows 7. The main difference (put simply) is the lack of a start button, but that's not an issue really.
Hi Steve
Thanks for the reply....here's the problem.
Say i open up my music folder..and what to drag a specific album into a numbered order....Too keep them numerical.
The album will move but will not drop between two other albums....there is a vertical bar when you drop into the space...on Vista/XP.
Example move Album 3....between Album 2 and 4.
I am using a mouse...google up Drag/Drop Windows 8 for more user problems.
What are you using to move stuff about Hogan? Sounds like you're in a music app or something. Normal windows explorer/my computer file browser behaviour wouldn't necessarily allow what you're describing as it would be automatically sorting the folders alphabetically/by date/by size depending on what criteria you had set.

Are you using the in built music app? Or dragging into it from a file browser window or something?
No Steve...im in the My Music Folder.
Ripping Music on the WMP.
Yes it does sort them but it gets confused..mixes them up a tad... sure wont drag and drop files within the folder try it.
You may need to check your folder sorting options. It may be grouping stuff together, it may be sorting by artist or some other property that you hadn't noticed. Looking at my music folder, currently it's sorted alphabetically by folder name. So if I had "Album1", "Album2", and "Album3" they would be shown in that order. You can't drag stuff up and place it inbetween other folders as it's already sorted alphabetically. That's just not how Windows (any version) works. I can't imagine how you would of done this in Windows XP.

The music folder is actually called a Library. As such, it has some funky rules applied to it, hence all the sorting options where it can pick up all of the album info from ID3 tags on the MP3s etc. A library isn't an actual folder, more of a container that potentially several sources of files are mungded into one container.
Yes i can understand that the music is in the Library.
On the drag and drop of folders...I have a Vista machine also.... and it has that option.
Gonna check my Windows 7 Netbook.
I will soldier on and try to find the solution.
I would check what Steve said to me it sounds like the folders aren't sorted properly there's two options "sort by", "group by". Used to cinfuse me when I first started using win7.
You could rename Your Albums To start with a number ie 1a - 1b 1c etc.
Cheers:lol: that's gonna take a long time:banghead: .....Got about 9,000 Albums.
I've got nearly all the Now CDs....so these tend to get miss stored....i would like to keep them in sequence.
Best thing I could suggest is using ID3 tagging software and clean up all of your tags! This is often the issue when it comes to iTunes/Media player etc etc. Things get put all over the place unless your tags are nice and clean.