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Don't you just hate some people's luck


17 Mar 2008
been chatting with a breeder in know. he made friends with some of the workers at a dump. they put aside all the fish tanks and equipment that gets chucked out.
well today he was given a brand new boxed and sealed Eheim 2028 with all paperwork and shop receipts for a fiver.
and an aqua500 complete setup with stand.
Lisa_Perry75 said:
Nice! Wonder how it got to the dump?
I've a friend who used to work at a local tip - the brand new stuff he came away with was unreal! I even had a new Dyson off him for a tenner! :lol:

Most of the new stuff comes from house clearances after deaths or repossessions, etc.

The same friend also has a wife who is convinced her brand new iron is haunted by its former owner! :lol: :crazy:
I would make friends with te dump people in a heartbeat, but the wife would kill me. I am no longer allowed to go to Carboots and Markets, as she knows I will come back with Tanks and Equipment.
My boss won $6500 on the pokie machines the other night.... sigh... that would be my marine tank I have always dreamed of LOL
yeah i know what you mean ive seen people carry tanks away from boot sales with the stickers on and curse my self for asking to look in p@h on the way there
Yep, brand new though!!! What a find.

I went to the tip near Ely (grunty fen) last week, and saw 3 tanks- 2 3 footers, and one 2 foot, still with neon gravel and muck, but kicked myself. But those best laid plans.... Most typical excuse 'oh, i'll clean it up and sell it'.

Nearly all the hard stuff on my allotment came from the tip and skips. Often see tanks on freecycle, but haven't been quick enough. Saw a SFF today on freecycle, but you never know what state they'll be in, but saying that, some lfs leave much to be desired. My slr camera and flash unit was from the tip.

I'm only allowed up there once a month, and I get called stig (not just because of my driving!).
my neighbour gave up being a mechanic to work at the tip he reckons they each come away with at least £50 cash a day from stuff they sell, if you can wait he can normally get you anything