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Delicate sound of Cryptocorynes

Ughhh i couldnt wait.
Wendtti green. Think i managed a 'variegata'🤣

Everytime i see something special going on with my tank i call my my wife and then she says 'its lovely darling'. :rolleyes:

I need some aquaholics around me i guess :cool:
Everytime i see something special going on with my tank i call my my wife and then she says 'its lovely darling'. :rolleyes:
I know what you mean, that’s the beauty of UKAPS, you get to share your experiences with like minded folk.

Either way, well done for trying to involve your wife. I gave up trying along time ago. She thinks I spend my spare time hanging out online with fellow fishy geeks. I keep telling her it’s more to do with plants. In her mind there’s no distinction, and if there is it’s of absolutely no consequence.

Looking forward to seeing more images of your riparium 🙂
Either way, well done for trying to involve your wife. I gave up trying along time ago. She thinks I spend my spare time hanging out online with fellow fishy geeks.

I keep telling her it’s more to do with plants. In her mind there’s no distinction, and if there is it’s of absolutely no consequence.
We may be married to the same woman
@Mr.Shenanagins That looks so cool! Never seen such a colour pattern on a costata and when i see the size of your ottocinclus i can imagine the size of the leaves.
It's indeed a smaller version of the 'tiger' you created :cool:

Few days ago i planted a few cryptocoryne costata in my own tank and they still have their green emerged leaves. I can't wait to see their first new underwater leaves. I am hoping for at least some pink/orange colours :)
Not sure if it's the same as mine has developed black stripes on the first emersed leaves! Smaller bunch I removed from the two huge bunches. Still nice though.