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Resolved! Change Profile Picture


4 Feb 2022
Hello, I just registered this account and somehow a picture of my wife was auto set as my profile picture. How do I change this, the option to switch it isn't immediately obvious.

Thank you,
Thank you both! I seem to not have an edit option when I click on the profile picture. I don't mind keeping the picture, but I'd hate that the community would think I was so pretty. Truth be told, my mug isn't so pleasing to look at! 😆
I removed the photo for you, if you want to upload your own photo:

Click on your profile at the top menu (1.): or Select Account Details from the menu!

Screenshot 2022-02-05 142943.png

Click the image to change the photo (2.)

Screenshot 2022-02-05 143004.png

Click on Browse... (3.) then select your photo then click on Okay.

That should do it!

That did the trick, thank you very much. I have no idea why it wasn't there before (more like didn't see it?)
Hmm, I must be having a hard time here! Is there an option to edit posts I made, I do not see one.
Not sure if there is a time limit on the editing of posts?
Hmm, maybe there is a time issue. I will just make sure I spell everything correctly!
And now it just showed up. Sorry, thank you for the help!
You should be able to see it under your post.


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