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Beginners aquascape

I would have put the HC at the front though as the hairgrass will block it from view. I don't know what the 3 plants are infront of the rocks but I would move them behind the rocks and maybe the wood depending on how big they will get.
From the front glass to the back my planting/hardscape would be hc, rocks/wood with hairgrass planted around the base of rocks(to the rear of if not mini variety) and then the larger of plants to the rear. There are thousands of scapes to look at on this forum so it might help to study them to see how hardscape and plants can be used for the best effect.
Yeah it was a pain in the ass to split anyway but i may split it further, I'll give it a week or so to see how it goes. Yep thats all i got, quite a small pot really, that was really hard to get out of the growth sponge they send it in and is only just holding down in substrate, suprised it hasnt floated off yet. Lol.

Okay cool, thats good feedback, cheers. I have a play round at the weekend and see how it looks. Ive got some moss on the wood waiting to grow out, you think its worth adding a little batch of java fern on there, especially if im going to bring it forward and mor in view?


Ps those 3 plants are sagittaria sabulata, guna try and keep it that sort of length if i can. Also the hair grass I'll keep short as well as i want it to spread out rather than up.
So your idea should look cool, I'll give it a go.


Depends how big the variety of fern you have gets. Try to plant in a way that when they grow they won't obscure the plant behind completely.
Well ive got some growing on the other side of the wood, spose i could wait for that to grow offshoots and propagate. Think they're a dwarf species so should be okay, and all depends on if i have anything behind it. If i keep the sagittaria that size should i leave i front of wood or should i grow it taller and move behind?


Ldcgroomer, i partially did what you said. I couldnt move the wood/rocks any further forward as the wood didnt stand up very well, its very thin at the bottom, i tried propping it up againsy the rocks but it looked obvious and rubbish. Haha.

Ive swapped the grass with the hc and ive also split the grass up again a doubled my yeild. Im going to have to wait a week or so for everything to 'grow in' before i go chopping etc, so the grass doesnt quite look right, so that will be chopped probably in half to keep it in check.

Is there an easy way to plant hc in substrate, its extremely difficult to one get the roots pointing downwards and second of all get the tiny roots far enough into the substrate for it to stay put and not to bury too mamy leaves. Im not convinced mine is going last that long theres bits floating away every now and then and some of the leaves are buried. Well see how it goes in a month or so.

I Went shopping today and bought myself some new recruits to my clean up team, 3 more amano shrimp and 1 malasian trumpet snail. Also going to buy a fair few more cherry shrimp soon.

Any advice, critics etc etc are as always very welcome.





Bury it (not completely) it will grow still. That's the only way I got it to stay down when trying to plant it in a filled tank

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I agree with Lindy the sag looks massive... :-S

The roots will grow down, don't fret about that gravity will do its thing

Hard scape is looking nice mate I like that you have got a bit more height to it

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You should maybe trim off the big leaves from the sag and see if you can encourage some small leaves/growth as it is generally undesirable for this plant to get so big. Unless it was labeled incorrectly?
I find if you gently wiggle the tweezers as you pull them out of the substrate works for me.
I find if you gently wiggle the tweezers as you pull them out of the substrate works for me.

Is this for the hc??

As for the sag, yeah i think i agree, but i promised myself id not prune anything for the first week as i always ruin stuff, haha, so I'll trim the bigger leaves off next Sunday. And yeah i spose it couldve been labelled wrong, if so, any ideas what it could be?


Way too big compared to pics iv looked at and it looks to have broader leaves too. I realised about hair grass and thought my earlier post hadnt gone on.
Must have been a mobile data problem. At least it didnt do a double post.
Itll look good as long as it dosent get too big, whatever it is. Nice tank btw