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Asian spirit

I'd shorten the two joining branches in the middle 'cause they move the focal point in the center of the tank, otherwise it looks fantastic! :thumbup: Guess Vuppa hasn't arrived yet. 🙂

Hi Viktor, a video of the asian rummy's would be great.
I have found a source for them here at a good price now.
Would you be able to give me any info about how you keep them as a lot of sites say they are difficult to keep, max temp 22C, soft water and only live foods and others say 12-16gKH, 25C and except flake???
Many thanks
clonitza said:
I'd shorten the two joining branches in the middle 'cause they move the focal point in the center of the tank, otherwise it looks fantastic! :thumbup: Guess Vuppa hasn't arrived yet. 🙂


Thanks Mike 😉 Yup there are many place which need some improovement. Let's see how i can refine them in the following weeks. Thanks for the tip anyway :thumbup:

Vuppa is not here yet 😀 But i try to solve the surface scum when it comes with the Lilys. :angel:
easerthegeezer said:
Hi Viktor, a video of the asian rummy's would be great.
I have found a source for them here at a good price now.
Would you be able to give me any info about how you keep them as a lot of sites say they are difficult to keep, max temp 22C, soft water and only live foods and others say 12-16gKH, 25C and except flake???
Many thanks

We keep it in soft, mid, and harder water too. I do not see problem with them however was a bit hard to settle in with a CO2 tank. On temp we have between 21-25 no prob at all.

The food is right you can feed them with live food or small food types like Cyclopeeze or ADA AP1-Gold which i use too. No flake food for sure.
This is one of the most impressive scape I have seen in last few moths! Masterpiece!
Had a maintenance today on the tank. Trimming, pipe cleaning, and added in some extra wood pieces to complete the hardscape work.

I think i will wait a few more weeks til the stems grows back and the mosses grows a little, then will do the IAPLC shooting. So probably will not publish more on the tank nowadays.

I am hoping the journal was enjoyable and worth a share for some of you. A few pics for last.... :angel:

Before WC today. Pipes are dirty and not added in the extra woods yet:

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Then with the refinements and after full maintenance:

24mm, daylight setting

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Then with 17 mm and auto wb. I kind of like better this color. The 17mm gives more deepness so may will use it on the final shot and will do lens correction after the shooting.

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

This is where we started 3 months ago:

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

And this is where we are now:

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Thanks for watching guys 😉
Great tank Victor, i bet the IAPLC pic for this will be stunning. Best of luck, quality scape this!
Hi Victor,
ive seen many of your scapes, all of which are excellent. I particularly liked your 'my private island' scape.
This tank, as are all of your tanks, is pristine with great attention to detail and still maintains a very natural look.
The photography is also excellent.
I only wish i knew of your shop when i visited Budapest a year and a half ago as i would have loved to have popped in and seen some of your set ups in person.
Keep posting as its a pleasure to view your pics.
Hi Viktor, it's coming along nicely and for sure it will get a nice placement at IAPLC. :thumbup:
I'd like to tell you to have a little bit of patience though, there are many places not covered by "clover" especially on the left side and in some there's a bit too much. I'd also pull out the stems on the bottom left and right of the scape, they are a little bit distracting.

Wow i did not updated this journal in the past 2 months. Sorry about that i thought i do my final stretch to the contest in this timeframe.

As the final shooting was done at the end of april i am happy to share the last post from me. Luckily at the end all turned good 😉

http://viktorlantos.com/wordpress/2012/ ... versenyre/

Sorry for the hungarian language. But images maybe speak from themself.

And a few second vid which i've done after the photo session. No extra light no fancy image manipulation. Just as i see it on the weekdays. Hope you enjoyed the journal. I learned a lot from this scape, which i hope can use in my future layouts.

Thanks for watching guys. Will share the final photo after the IAPLC. :wave: :angel:

Plastic fish for the last photos though........ 😉 :lol: .... only joking, it amazes me how patient photographers must be to get 'the' shot where everything is sitting just right.
Amazing scape :clap:
Meanwhile the tank in it's past form is in the top 200 at IAPLC around this time i changed the scape a bit.

The original form was amazing in person, but meanwhile i worked on that to make the stem forest denser, i got to a point when i lost the control over on them. So the only option was to trim heavily the stems. And i knew this will take at least 2-3 months again to get to the same level.

As i wanted to change the layout at the end of this year to something else, i thought i give a quick update to the layout for the next 6 months.

Removed all the wood pieces, stems, mosses. Kept in the soil with all the stones i had. Added in some more stones and filled in 9L fresh Amazonia on the top to have a connection between the left and the right side and make the sides higher.

It was so inspirational to see Amano's tank with the creative rescape just like George ones in the past year. So i gave a shot to this 😀

The tank is 5 weeks old around this time.

This was the earlier scape. This isn't the IAPLC photo so i can publish it here


the mid phase after removal..... man it's like on the moon 😀


I am a lazy guy did not even cleaned the stones. I left it for the tank to kill this algae after the start.

This is how it looked 1 weeks after the planting


And the current status from yesterday the tank is 5 weeks old now.... this time i shoot from hand so the quality is poor. Also the tank was before maintenance. So the glass etc is dirty but i kind of wanted to put this to the record.


As you see this has some hair algae. I thought i will hit by diatom too, but this was not there in the first weeks.

One of the reason why i posted this tank to see what kind of issues i am facing with.

The tank is running by a powerful filtration. 2x2075 Eheim Prof 3. This is a 223L tank.
Running 4x54 Watt light from Arcadia (not as powerful as ATI ones so this is ok)
CO2 external reactor injecting the CO2. Now i am running with ADA ferts.
Soil is Amazonia.

I do use RO for water changes. 100% pure RO approx 100-120 liter per week.
The TDS is 150-170ppm after water changes. However after a week the hardness goes up to the tap water level which is 330 ppm.

Yeah Seiryu stones.... around 50kg of them in place.

Parvula and Acicularis do not care about fluctuating hardness level. They grow just like they would in soft water.
But Hemianthus Cuba and Elatine Hydropiper isn't doing well here.

So i try to think about what shoud i do to keep the hardness level lower along the week between the 2 water changes.

Added in softenizer as we had them, but this isn't enough for this tank. Now i placed in a soft water resin to the filter too and doing another test for this week. Chemicals not helps at least the few i tried as the stones pushes heavily the hardness level.

Any idea suggestion i could use? Doing 2 water changes per week would be doable, but i would hurt on other part with that on long term so this isn't an option.

Sorry for beeing long. I usually photo these things and publish it to have it on record and learn from it.
Thanks for reading it, your comments/tips are welcome :thumbup: