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Angelfish and discus together

malik uddin

23 Feb 2024
East London
Hello will a single angelfish and a single discus coexist or will one bully the other. Also could I stick an electric blue ram in there too. tank is 60cm cube 165l and a 35l sump.

I haven't kept either yet, but this doesn't sound like a great idea to me. Aren't both species that do better in a group with their own as opposed to a single fish? I would have thought you'd want a longer tank also (I appreciate they're tall fish). I'm sure someone better than Mike or I will chime in :D
I feel you would end up with two miserable fish ,especially,the Discus they only thrive in numbers with a large enough well filtered aquarium.similar to Cory's, Clown loaches happier in a group. A single Angelfish in a large enough aquarium could work with compatible tank mates,beware of fin nippers or aggressive chiclids. I know a Discus fish house keeper who wouldn't keep Discus and Angelfish together ,not sure exactly why, member @REDSTEVO keeps Discus may offer insight
I think @malik uddin you're perhaps going about this the wrong way. It's always a good idea to do as much research as possible before considering what livestock are suitable. And once suitable inhabitants have been identified even more research is required to learn how best to recreate as close to optimal environmental conditions for them as possible, particularly discus. In answer to your question, I think it's a bad idea for several reasons. For starters. . .

thanks for the link i might just be getting a single discus for my 200l (bit strange you can only keep a single discus in 200l, but 6 discus in 300l must be some logarithmic rule) I could keep him with my zebra plecos as they love hotter water too. i am doing water changes on my current tank every other day so that wont be a problem. My other alternative is just an angelfish tank. How many angelfish could i house in a 200l
thanks for the link i might just be getting a single discus
Still not a particularly good idea.

200l (bit strange you can only keep a single discus in 200l, but 6 discus in 300l must be some logarithmic rule)
Not strange at all. It’s kind of an exponential difference in terms of tank dimensions and swimming space.

My other alternative is just an angelfish tank.
Perhaps a better idea.

How many angelfish could i house in a 200l
Research, research, research. . .
looks like i will be knocking the discus idea on the head unless i get a 300l minimum tank. can you keep angelfish on their own
I am researching, according to the www you should keep 4 to 6 angelfish in a 200l which sounds a lot. Others have said only keep a single angelfish due to aggression. I am confused.
This is a guess, in the aim of finding a breeding pair breeders l believe something like 4to 6 may result in a pairing, clarifying my early post about a single Angel fish it was not by design more by accident,it was a pair ,one passed away and the remaining one was not particularly a problem in any way just a bit of a boss at feeding time and it was kept with smallest fish deep bodied tetras ,less of a morsel, than a Neon example, and it lived a good life. I wouldn't recommend setting out with a plan to have one though, go for a large capacity as possible aquarium and keep a group you seem keen. You might look up John Rundle in your research ,(Tim's good advice, )he's one of the UKs expert fish keepers
I have kept angels and discus in the past in various tank sizes. Knowing full well the size they can grow up to and understanding that they feel more at home when its a group.
However I have also kept a solo large discus in a 90l tank with community fish and had no problems. Ventured to a 180l and bought tank bred baby discus and over time the bullying occured and over time they picked off the weaker ones etc. The fishes just died out over the many years I had them. No problems.
Fast forward many years and I have 8 angels(from baby age) in my 350l tank.
What is important is understanding the size the fish can get to, also filtration levels and how often you do water changes etc. Also to add tank decor and places for their own territory too. Im not planning to breed even though they have laid before in various pairs. They are pretty peaceful most of the time.


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I am researching, according to the www you should keep 4 to 6 angelfish in a 200l which sounds a lot. Others have said only keep a single angelfish due to aggression. I am confused.

Angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare, should be kept in small groups like @PARAGUAY and @mlgt mention above, six is a good number. The minimum tank size should be 100x40x50(h), preferably bigger. It should be well planted with tall leafy plants like amazon swords.

Although people establish rules that act as best practices, aiming at increasing the chances of success, in the end things may not go as planned regardless. I had 8 angels in a 325L tank and when it was breeding season it was chaotic. There are also plenty of stories of particularly nasty angels who attack everyone else, killing others. So it is all a chances game. It also happens the other way around, sometimes you have calm fishes who look happy enough in solitude or in small groups.

Formed couples apparently do well on their own in much smaller tanks than what is usually recommended.
I don't want them to breed as that's when they go nuts. That's why I wanted to get one. Could I keep just males together or will they fight.
Have you thought of alternative? Perhaps rainbowfish? Gourami? They are quite large in size and statement fish also. Just fish(sic) for thought :)
Gouramis could be an option but definitely not rainbows. I’d say you’d need a minimum four foot tank for rainbows, they get pretty big and are very active.
A 600mm tank isn't suitable for discus or angelfish. Some gourami or rainbow fish species could work but these won't be the statement or at least big fish types you desire unfortunately.

Also note most of the the fish you aim to keep show much better colouration when kept in groups or pairs, a single specimen generally looks dull and eventually fades away.
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@mlgt and Conort2 , gourami's and rainbows do look good, i never considered them, thanks for the suggestion . @John q i am beginning to realise a 60cm cube would be too small for discus even though it has a 200l water volume. but i think its fine for anglefish but i could be wrong. i do have the option of a 350l tank, but if i do that then i could only fit that tank, where as if i get the 200l tank i could get another 2 90l tanks and keep my 45l tank i feel i would like multiple tanks as i love aqua scaping and could go for other fish
You mentioned an electric blue ram in the initial post and a 60 cube could be a great ram-focused tank, I bet. They are stunning in a smaller tank.

It doesn't matter if you have a 35 liter sump when the primary issue is physical space. Angelfish can't swim in the sump.