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Moths and their scale/dust

Michael W

13 May 2013
When I was a kid my parents would tell me not to touch moths because the dust/scale on them was dangerous/poisonous, they can make you blind and cause your skin problems. It has since made me scared of moths like crazy but I'm not like constantly paranoid about moths or anything unless they are in the same room as me :rolleyes:. But just a few days ago there was 3 moths in my room! 3!!! Needless to say after being taught that moths were harmful I proceed to retreat into another room until they were gone.

So basically I wondering if what my parents had said back in the days were myths or they contain some degree of truth. What do you guys think?
I think this is mostly an old wive's tale, although I do recall that there are a small number of moth species in South America which have barbed spines on their abdomen with a mild venom that can cause irritation if handled or inhaled.

Reminds me of a university friend who was terrified of split ends because his Chinese grandmother had told him if they reached his scalp they would continue to split internally and could cause brain damage...
Don't believe the last posts, they have clearly never had to run in abject terror from a swarm of 'africanised' killer moths, these things are monsters! If you see moth run and never look back! (sorry watching Sharknado, I think it absurdity is rubbing off)

They are harmless, I'd worry more about about damaging their delicate wings.
Hi all,
Burnets, Tiger moths and Cinnabar would be distasteful if you ate them, but I don't really think that is a risk. Hardly any of the British Moths are irritant, and then it is mainly the caterpillars of Brown-tail moth or recently arrived Oak Processionary moth <http://www.forestry.gov.uk/pdf/fr_advice_note_oak_processionary_moth.pdf/$FILE/fr_advice_note_oak_processionary_moth.pdf>.

You get the occasional scare story in the Daily Mail when there isn't any real news, but they are laughably poorly researched.

The real story about Moths in the UK is the depressing one that many species are in terminal decline with knock on effects for Bats, Birds, etc. <http://www.mothscount.org/text/19/moths_in_decline.html>.

cheers Darrel
Thanks for the reply everyone! It gives me some more confidence about going near moths!

A part from the stories from my parents I really have nothing against them. There are some really nice looking moths out there. I would not think about killing one regardless of me having a melt down if one was in the same room as me, I understand that they are valuable pollinators! :thumbup:
Years ago, my friend threw a huge one ( alive!) and it landed in my mouth.

Like sucking the canister on a dyson. Dusty as hell :lol:

Man, thats uber-nasty...

I hate moths, more so when they visit my room. I use a ceiling fan and it goes flopping around and gets hit quite a few times and is all over the place, quite irritating...I usually catch it using some bottle or container and release them out.
I remember a story about a young and budding entomologist who upon discovering a hitherto unknown beetle to himself, decided he needed to take it home for further study. Not having a canister to carry it in he decided the safest place for its journey home was in his mouth...grimo_O Anyway, it wasn't long before the beetle revealed its taxon...and he wound up with a mouth full of hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide:sick:

In case you're wondering it was a Bombardier beetle...
I remember a story about a young and budding entomologist who upon discovering a hitherto unknown beetle to himself, decided he needed to take it home for further study. Not having a canister to carry it in he decided the safest place for its journey home was in his mouth...grimo_O Anyway, it wasn't long before the beetle revealed its taxon...and he wound up with a mouth full of hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide:sick:

In case you're wondering it was a Bombardier beetle...

..But his teeth were beautiful and white...
Don't believe the last posts, they have clearly never had to run in abject terror from a swarm of 'africanised' killer moths, these things are monsters! If you see moth run and never look back! (sorry watching Sharknado, I think it absurdity is rubbing off)

They are harmless, I'd worry more about about damaging their delicate wings.

Somebody wrote into the TV mag I buy and asked when Sharknado 2 was going too be shown on TV. Iv seen bits of the 1st one and cant belive anyone would be looking forward to the next one.[DOUBLEPOST=1405541490][/DOUBLEPOST]Sorry just checked the magazine and it was Crocosauras 2 They were after . I don't even know if there is a Sharknnado 2.
I think the point with these films is to be 'so bad their good', but that generally equates to being so bad they end up wasting an hour and a half of your life. Although the idea of sharks being dangerous on the land was so ridiculous it kept my interest about 45mins, before the hammy 'acting' tested my tolerance for crap. If there is a Sharknado 2, I'll probably give it a miss;)
I think the point with these films is to be 'so bad their good', but that generally equates to being so bad they end up wasting an hour and a half of your life. Although the idea of sharks being dangerous on the land was so ridiculous it kept my interest about 45mins, before the hammy 'acting' tested my tolerance for crap. If there is a Sharknado 2, I'll probably give it a miss;)

I like moths, not the taste obviously. Interesting creatures, last year we went to a place called. Bishops wood which is an eco place where they took us on a walk around the grounds looking in there moth traps. Later we went out with bat detectors. Our oldest son is now bat and moth mad and has acquired a bat detector via santa :) the elephant hawk moth is my favorite at the moment
Hi All, My grandson is mad about Snails & bugs:) Same as me as a kid:D A few week ago we found some caterpillars over the allotment brought them home and put them in a box with some food. Then he looked after them and watched them turn into moths :) He was fascinated:rolleyes: I had not watched this in years we watched it together:cool::cool: Emerging from its chrysalis and pump up its wings :rolleyes: A special moment :) Then after a few hours he let them go ;) A couple of pics of one of the moths :) Then it flew out the window :)