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Wabi kusa in fish tank

Imran #786

22 Mar 2024
Stanger, South Africa
I have seen Takashi Amano using wabikusa in his tanks and it sounds like a plan in my new scape.
has anyone attempted such wabikusa balls for their aquariums.
Please share
The Amano ones I think are made on mass and cut into squares rather than wabikusa balls So you could try and do that in a propagator as sold for garden seed starter sets . Plant as you want with several aquatic plants and grow in humidity (with soil) first in propagater. Another way throw several cuttings and maybe suggest Monte Carlo, Pearlweed in a shallow Cat litter type tray inch or two of water ,put in a sunny but dappled shade place outside,probably best , in time roots become a mat ,cut off square pieces to try in the aquarium.
This springs to mind by @ShawnMac
