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CO2 used Database -needs your data


Fertz Meister
1 Oct 2016
Hi all.

Inspired by CO2 being used in thread, thought a database of our use and equipment would be a handy reference tool for us all using CO2 or about to use it ;)

So need your data:thumbup: I will do the rest and keep the first post update with a spreadsheet/table.

Ian measures his CO2 used in a great way that would give us the best results OFC. But the Size in Kg of the CO2 cylinder used and how long it lasts isn't as accurate but I think it will still yield some valuable data.
Your pH drop useful too. To standadises the pH drop take a clean glass fill eith tank water day after WC Pre CO2 time and place to on side, next day once your pH drop is maxed in tank the difference between the waters pH in tank and glass is the pH drop I'm after. (pH drop optional OFC but will be helpful) pH pen/meter used please- if it's a cheapo one just put cheapo.
DC colour change, very useful to compare the relative [CO2] and CO2 used. Pic of DC final colour useful too.

1. CO2 cylinder size Kg
2.How long does you CO2 last?
3.How long is your CO2 period? Hrs mins
4.Size of tank? HxWxD capacity litres
5. CO2 regulator Make-model would be ideal, but single or duel stage better than nothing.
6. Injection method- make and model eg intank/inline supper Wiz bang ;)
How many?
7.Reactors used- none or make or DIY APS EF2 etc
8. Done a pH profile? Yes/no
9.CO2 pre lights on time.
10.Filter/power heads output-
make and model useful too.
11.Output- lilypipes, spraybar etc make model or custom DIY.
12.Lights- make and model, T5 wattage intensity.
13.Photoperiod ?
14. Please link your Journel
if you have one :thumbup::thumbup:
15. Drop Checker colour? Pic if possible with white background.
16. Open top tank or glass covers ?

To help make the data collection easy please just post your data in this thread:thumbup: we can always debate any findings/data in another thread. Unless I've missed a data collection parameter OFC
Will tidy this first post up when back at my PC.

Thanks for your data in advance :thumbup:

Database to follow soon on holiday ATM so bit of a pain to do spreadsheet on mobile.

If nothing else it will just give a database of CO2 pre on times duration, pH drops and photoperiods for various tank sizes and users alongside an approximate CO2 used per litre per hour. Which may be useful as a guideline !


Updated 12/10/2023


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I don't think you will get many replies as everybody's CO2 injection method, rate, tank size, filters, power heads is all different so you cannot compare one persons CO2 method with another's.

Take your monsterous PLC controlled CO2 injectors on a 500litre tank compared to my sedate "green drop check after 2 hours" affair. Both use CO2 and that is about it, can't easily compare anything else. :(
Hopefully I will get a few, as to compare the results yes it will be hard and I like yourself think not much may be insightful from the data except upper and lower limits of CO2 used per litre per user. Plus subject to user errors also. But we should let the data speek for itself without our preconceived conclusions as that is bad science. Getting the data will take some time OFC. All it may yield is a reference to users CO2 used and what equipment they used and maybe a journal link, which in itself may be helpful.
I think the best you could aim for is grammes of CO2 per litre per hour.

My last FE, I changed yesterday was 16gr per day, so 180litre tank and 7 hours CO2 on time 16/180/7 is 0.013 grammes CO2 per litre per hour. Beat that !!!
Just to help get some momentum/interest

Did the rough maths for mine
6.5Kg , 30day, 6hrs, 500litres
So 0.072g/l/HR

I use 2.5 Kg on my 155ltr 2 ft deep tank using inline diffuser and that lasts around 2.5 months. Bubble rate is uncountable on the JBL inbuilt counter and the counter supplied with my co2art dual stage reg. It was also uncountable on the single stage inbuilt reg. ~8 or 9 bps! Lime green DC and a pH drop of 1. 7 hour light period with gas on 8 hours per day

2.5Kg/75days/8hrs/155litres = 0.027g/l/hr approx

I recall when I was living in Berkshire and I had my tank in the conservatory I was consuming a 22Kg cylinder every 5-6 weeks in my 700L tank.

Details from below

22Kg/45ays/6hr/700litres = 0.116g/l/hr
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Hi Karl,
Yeah, it's like Ian mentions. It's not really practical to extrapolate data from one tank to another as there are so many different variables and also there are a lot of different objectives that each hobbyist will have. In any case, here are some typical data from the last tank:

1. CO2 cylinder size 22 Kg
2.How long does you CO2 last?
45 Days
3.How long is your CO2 period? 6 Hrs
4.Size of tank? capacity 700 litres
5. CO2 regulator - various Brand X, Y and Z - all single stage.
6. Injection method- Various, Cal-Aqua inline diffusers, sometimes AM1000
7.Reactors used- modified AM1000 by removing balls.
8. Done a pH profile? Yes, typically a 1.2 unit drop.
9.CO2 pre lights on time. 2 hours
10.Filter/power heads output-
2 Eheim Pro 3s 2180 theremofilter version.
11.Output- Eheim spraybars, then switched to Fluval.
12.Lights- DIY T5 PC 200 watts total.
13.Photoperiod ? 8 hrs

Lots of weird experiments and so forth with this tank, so probably is not a good baseline for which to compare...

1. CO2 cylinder size 2 Kg Fire Extinguisher
2.How long does you CO2 last? 180 Days
3.How long is your CO2 period? 7 Hrs
4.Size of tank? 25x60x40 capacity litres 60
5. CO2 regulator CO2 Art Pro duel stage
6. Injection method- 1 x Original Up inline atomiser
7.Reactors used- none
8. Done a pH profile? no
9.CO2 pre lights on time 3hrs
10.Filter/power heads output- Eheim Ecco Pro 300 - 750 l/hr

11.Output- lilypipes Cal Aqua nano
12.Lights- Radion XR15 FW
13.Photoperiod 6hrs
14. Please link your Journel
I run my co2 24/7, will add one of my tanks below.

1. CO2 cylinder size: 2.6kg
2.How long does you CO2 last? (set up on 9th Dec 2017, still going) 238 days and counting
3.How long is your CO2 period? 24/7
4.Size of tank? 12g
5. CO2 regulator CO2 Art Tunze 7077/3
6. Injection method - Qanvee inline atomizer
7.Reactors used- none
8. Done a pH profile? 0.8 drop
9.CO2 pre lights on time always on
10.Filter/power heads output- 800lph canister filter
11.Output- lilypipes Cal Aqua nano
12.Lights- Up aqua pro Z
13.Photoperiod 5hrs
14. Please link your Journel https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/bookshelf-blackwater-12g-long.51542/
1. CO2 cylinder size 500 gr
2.How long does you CO2 last? 125 Days
3.How long is your CO2 period? 8 Hrs
4.Size of tank? 24 litres
5. CO2 regulator - Dennerle Primus
6. Injection method - Aqua Neo mini acrylic diffuser
7.Reactors used- nope
8. Done a pH profile? Yes 0.9 drop.
9.CO2 pre lights on time. 2 hours
10.Filter/power heads output- Dennerle Scapers Flow
11.Output- integrated lily on filter
12.Lights- Chihiros RGB-30
13.Photoperiod - 8 hrs
14. Please link your Journel https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/my-pics-always-in-development.39865/#post-508091
1. CO2 cylinder size 2 Kg Fire Extinguisher
2.How long does you CO2 last? 60 Days
3.How long is your CO2 period? 8 Hrs
4.Size of tank? 60x12x14 capacity litres 60
5. CO2 regulator Up single stage
6. Injection method- 1 x Original Up inline atomiser
7.Reactors used- none
8. Done a pH profile? no
9.CO2 pre lights on time 3hrs
10.Filter/power heads output- Eheim Ecco Pro 300 - 750 l/hr
11.Output- lily pipes
12.Lights- TwinStar S Series
13.Photoperiod 8hrs
14.light Intensity 100%
15. Please link your Journal https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/naturescape-fst.52807/
1. CO2 cylinder size: 6.3kg
2.How long does you CO2 last? 14 days
3.How long is your CO2 period? 6 hrs
4.Size of tank? 75cm x 170cm x 170cm (2,000L + 150L sump)
5. CO2 regulator: co2 supermarket dual stage
6. Injection method- 80mm bazooka inside reactor
7.Reactors used- custom made 600mm tall acrylic
8. Done a pH profile? no
9.CO2 pre lights on time: 3 hrs
10.Filter/power heads output- 6,500Lph Jecod AC return pump for the reactor, 3 x double 6w cheapo chinese powerheads
11.Output- 150cm diy spraybar
12.Lights- DIY array of 9 x 50W LED floodlights
13.Photoperiod 6hrs
14. Please link your Journel https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/2-000l-high-tech-beast.53176/
15. Drop Checker colour?
16. Open top tank or glass covers?
Open top
1. CO2 cylinder size 2 Kg Fire Extinguisher
2. How long does you CO2 last? 93 Days
3. How long is your CO2 period? 8.5 Hrs
4. Size of tank? 140L (75P)
5. CO2 regulator? Co2art pro se
6. Injection method- co2art inline
7. Reactors used- none
8. Done a pH profile? Yes
9. CO2 pre lights on time
10. Filter/power heads output- eheim 350t and eheim skim
11. Output - lily pipe
12. Lights - Chihiros Vivid
13. Photoperiod - 7.5hrs @ 65%
14. Please link your journal - https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/the-island-ada-75p.58560/
15. Drop checker colour -
slight lime green at lights on
16. Open top or covered - open top
Interesting thread. It's quite surprising to see the large variation in usage. Even if you exclude the highest and lowest outliers, there is still a 6 fold difference in usage. I guess it just goes to show how much tank requirements can vary depending on set up.
I will post my data when all is tuned in.

Anyway, there would be a correlation between the length of of tubing from the regulator to the exit point for the gas... with the time on before lights.

Mabe also with the time off.

I know this from a diskussion with co2 art, because I need to feed to aquariums and they told me if I wont gas to be injected at the same time in each tank, tubing should be the same lenght.

Well I am a co2 noob, but it might be of interest?
Here's another one for you Karl. Same tank same equipment so pretty much directly comparable, but I reduced the light intensity. Unsurprisingly the cylinder lasted a while longer.

1. CO2 cylinder size
2 Kg Fire Extinguisher
2.How long does you CO2 last? 90 Days
3.How long is your CO2 period? 8 Hrs
4.Size of tank? 60x12x14 capacity litres 60
5. CO2 regulator Up single stage
6. Injection method- 1 x Original Up inline atomiser
7.Reactors used- none
8. Done a pH profile? no
9.CO2 pre lights on time 3hrs
10.Filter/power heads output- Eheim Ecco Pro 300 - 750 l/hr
11.Output- lily pipes
12.Lights- TwinStar S Series
13.Photoperiod 8hrs
14.light Intensity 80%
15. Please link your Journal https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/naturescape-fst.52807/