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"Stumpy" 17mm glassware inlet?

George Farmer

21 Jun 2007
Hi all,

I'm after a new 17mm glassware inlet for a future shallow set-up that's 30cm tall.

Most 17mm glassware inlets I've seen are around 30cm in length, which is too long. This would mean the inlet end would have to be inserted into the substrate!

Has anyone seen any 17mm glassware inlets that are 20cm or shorter, please?

Morgan Freeman said:
Could you not take a 30cm into a glaziers and see if they can shorten it?
No, because of the design of the inlet. By shortening the end that fits into the inside of the aquarium, the 'blanked' off end will become a 17mm diameter open hole that will potentially suck in shrimp and fish.

edit - unless the glaziers can cut out a section along the length and re-join... I suspect the finish would look untidy and the cost impractical, but I may be wrong...

Thanks, Morgan.
Nothing compares to the sexy look of glass Luis 😉
I can really see the point with shalllow tanks becoming more and more popular.
View from the open top of a planted tank with some wood out of the tank is one of my favorites.
Piece-of-fish said:
Nothing compares to the sexy look of glass Luis 😉
I can really see the point with shalllow tanks becoming more and more popular.
View from the open top of a planted tank with some wood out of the tank is one of my favorites.
We're on the same wavelength, Ed... 😉
"Stumpy" 17mm glassware inlet?

Piece-of-fish said:
Nothing compares to the sexy look of glass Luis 😉
I can really see the point with shalllow tanks becoming more and more popular.
View from the open top of a planted tank with some wood out of the tank is one of my favorites.

Yep glass is king. 🙂

So can you make yours to measure? Maybe there is a niche market, shallow tanks are indeed good.

If you think about it, "stumpy" inlets have many advantages over their longer counterparts, even in larger aquariums.

  • -They're shorter, so much easier to clean
    -Less prone to breakages
    -Use less glass in manufacture
I would use these even in bigger tanks.

What advantages do the longer inlets have? Is there a real advantage to have the inlet slots nearer the bottom of the aquarium, especially in tanks with decent circulation?

One advantage of having longer inlets is that you can drain some aquarium water whilst the filter is still running, but I always turn my filter off during water changes/maintenance anyway..

Seems like a no-brainer to me. You heard it here first! :lol:
"Stumpy" 17mm glassware inlet?

It does make sense. Juri is also on the forum, he's the one supplying the new glassware to Eddie.

Maybe he can get it made shorter, I'll buy some as there would be more versatility, as one would be able to have a large wabi with a proper filter.
I had this issue with some 13mm glass wear and I had a inlet spare so I snapped the end off and then used an ehiem "inlet cap" over the end, it's not perfect but it improved flow no end, and was sort of a half way house between the green ehim and lillys. Bigmatt has it now so he might be able to post a picture to illustrate what I did more clearly.
We will be able to get these shortened lilies, now awaiting measurements from George.

I will be ordering a set for myself 😉

Thanks George again for a great idea :thumbup:
I think 15cm is a good length for most shallow tanks.

Here's a sketch of my idea -

Patent pending! :lol:

I personally find my cal aqua intakes a bit short, 20cm would be better I feel.
The other thing is it's important to make sure the total area of the slots is either equal or greater than the area of the diameter of the tube. So if the area of the tube is 18mm then the intakes need to be at least 18mm in total area or preferably more.
Garuf said:
I personally find my cal aqua intakes a bit short, 20cm would be better I feel.
Trouble with 20cm is that you won't be able have 10+cm substrate in a 30cm. 10+cm substrate depth at the rear is common, and many like to keep their inlets in the rear corners.
17.5cm Happy medium 😉? All my tanks have been 30cm tall or less and I don't think many will stray above the 10cm+ mark, substrate I always found levelled out much too fast if you went above it, the angle of repose was just too steep for tanks as wide as they are tall.