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"Our Preciousss..." by ADist


15 Feb 2010
Hello, aquascapers! Greetings from Turkey! My name is Mustafa and this is my first post in this forum (and also in all international forums for a long time).

I want to share one of my amateur group' s tanks with you. My group' s name is ADist (Aquarium Design Ä°stanbul; in Turkish "Akvaryum Dizayn Ä°stanbul") consist of four aquascapers. For more info about us and more photographs of this layout (and others we did) you can visit our site: http://www.akvaryumdizaynistanbul.com

Your comments are very important for us 🙂

"Our Preciousss..."
A Hobbit house concept from the Lord Of The Rings




Tank Dimensions (cm): 40*23*25 (h) --- (using only 15 cm height except sand height)

Net Aquarium volume: 12 liters

Setup Date:May 2010

Eleocharis parvula
Fissidens fontanus
Vesicularia sp.

Neocaridina denticulata
Caridina japonica

Hardscape material:Silica sand, lava rock, some grey stones, small battens and driftwood

Lighting: 2*15W T8

CO2: Pressurized CO2 for first 3 months then removed.
Very well executed with great sense of scale, even though I'm not a huge fan of tree 'scapes.

Thanks for sharing! 😀
recently, I may have been a bit 'downbeat' about scapes like this, but this particular scape' seems to make me go back on my view a little.

This is incredible!

The tree looks so damn real!
Thank you all!

This tank submitted to IAPLC 2011 by Batuhan BAYRAM (one of our group members) and took 265th place. Not bad, not very good 🙄 And also submitted to IBAC 2011 and took 4th place!