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Xbox Live

Hi, I'm on Xbox live. I'm playing gears of war 3 quite a bit at the moment and left4dead 2. Gamer tag is mattymatt83
Im on xbox too, my GT is Iwagumi 😀 (it's actually spelt Lwagumi because someone had already taken Iwagumi 🙁 )
still obessed with black ops. bowtotheabsurd is the name.
I play online age of empires occasionally, kids hog the xbox so I dont get much chance , GT ShirtyPlane57.
Actually it's just changed as I never changed it originally GT is now ConTici 🙂
^^ they are lobying for a ban / commission on second hand games, sony tried this about 9 years ago, so i ditched their products. now microsoft are at it... not good for consumers. :thumbdown:
doobiw55 said:
somethingfishy said:
PS3 all the way :thumbup:

I completely agree with this 🙂 :thumbup:

You may think so but have you had a PS3 Break i repair and mod consoles usually cheaper to buy new console.

If your blue ray drive goes wrong it will cost ya anything from £100 to £300 to replace the drive including fitting expensive compered to the Xbox £25 + £50 for fitting and a complete new drive

Also Sony rushed to develop the system they pushed there to development team so much so they could launch before Xbox 360 did

So they rushed the coding leaving gaping holes and flaws in there code this what caused the PS3 down time last year as it left holes that people like Famous PS3 hacker George Hotz has highlighted

The Xbox live network uses the Hotmail messenger severs and based around there windows live code which has been pretty secure over the years

Also Sony only have one small data center compared to the load Microsoft have
You ever had problem getting in a online game on PS3 be because the server farm is full this never happens on Xbox due to there network being able to handle much more data

http://www.slashgear.com/sony-moving-ps ... -28149029/
So who watched the data center video?
For people who never knew they existed there amazing if you computer bug like me then you love to work in one of them and now back to PS3 VS Xbox360

Don't matter what you say Xbox360 it will always be better then PS3 with Sony shadowing everything that Microsoft dose there always going to be second best

Just wait not going to be long till we get the first 3D consoles next year or too we will see a Xbox360 3d and a PS3 3D

There's been rumors of xbox720 for few years now picture below is a xbox720 prototype
we will get a streamlined 360 soon, probably with just online capabilities. Next year maybe the nextbox, games are already in development. Probably with no disc drive at all and no legacy compatibility. Games will be download or micro memory cards. With a total ban on second hand games. COUNT ME OUT.