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Winterwatch on BBC2


13 Nov 2013
A very interesting programme about birds affected by climate change because of the UKs mild winters. Species what were once only visitors staying and not all migrating back to Africa like the Swallow . And the chap fìlming Pine Martens for the last few years . If you missed it def a good watch
It was a very interesting watch and made me think about what it's been like here lately. In the last few years I've seen green woodpeckers nearly daily, in winter we'd get field fares, mistle thrushes and the odd redwing but last year only a few thrushes and increasing amounts of crows and magpies. This year I haven't seen any thrushes and no green woodpeckers either. We have a large number of spotted woodpeckers but apart from the corvids and a few robins, very little else. We don't even get the flocks of wood pigeons anymore.
I don't know if this is because the crows have pushed everything out, the climate has made the birds feed elsewhere or if it just the increase in passers by that has moved the birds on. Walks have become a lot more boring.