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Will glosso grow in a non co2 tank? + How to plant??


18 Jun 2008
Hi lfs just got some nice glosso in, was just wondering if it possible to plant in a non co2 tank plus no planting substrate, i will probably do this next week. Also it comes in one pot do i divide it into little bits and plant or just plant the whole thing in one piece?? Thanks.
Possibly, with enough light and other nutrients. Easycarbo or Excel will help a lot.

Split the pot up into individual plantlets and plant with tweezers. Takes hours but gives best chance of success and speeds up carpeting process.
Thanks George, i went to my local garden centre and they had a fresh delivery and really cheap to for tropica, 4for £8, i checked on Greenline online and they are 4.95 so a good saving.
tko187 said:
Thanks George, i went to my local garden centre and they had a fresh delivery and really cheap to for tropica, 4for £8, i checked on Greenline online and they are 4.95 so a good saving.

blimey! you should resell on ebay :lol: youd make a fortune
tko187 said:
Thanks George, i went to my local garden centre and they had a fresh delivery and really cheap to for tropica, 4for £8, i checked on Greenline online and they are 4.95 so a good saving.

DAMN!!! Wheres that?
The MA@ St. Albans where I go does a good deal on Tropica plants, 6 for £20 any pots. But your local is giving them away.
They get fresh every week, i noticed they get in about 6 pot each week.
passerby* said:
so how is ur glosso going..is going alright with no co2 ..??
Hey, I never actually got round to buying any, I am supposed to be rescaping my tank but haven't had time, willl definately do this next week, right now I'm in holland! I do have plans still for glosso and hc but I will be adding co2. Thanks.