Alto, thanks for the suggestions.
I agree with everything you said, but can’t implement many of your good suggestions because I am not starting a new set up from scratch. I am converting a heavily stocked cichlid tank to a planted cichlid tank, and until the inhabitants pass away from old age, I have to accommodate them for some time.
First, there will be high organic waste production, which I will mitigate by doing 75% WC weekly as I have always been doing.
Second, I will stick with Java ferns because of their toughness and distasteful to fish. I know they are slow grower susceptible to algae attack, and I will combat them with Glut and peroxide treatment. The remaining question I ask is whether CO2 will control bba on rock. I don’t plan to use CO2 if I can avoid.
Third, your suggestion for moss to cover rock is great, but my cichlid will tear them and make a mess, not to mention moss doesn't like Glut.
Forth, I really like the look of H pinnatifida, but last time I tried it in my planted 75, it died slowly. My water is slightly alkaline and light intensity under 50PAR, so apparently it doesn’t like the condition. I may try again in the future, but Java ferns are tried and true in my 75, which I have unlimited supply to fill my 125. 125 gal is 475 liters, a big tank to fill up with plant mass.
My goal is not really Iwagumi style, but heavy rock scape, modest plant mass, and heavy stocking of cichlid fish. I have already had the rock lay out as shown waiting. I will glue plants onto the larva rock and expose the rainbow rock piles that form caves for fish to hide.
Good emotion. Often scapers forget about their inhabitants.
Yes, most scalpers care more about plants than fish. Amano nature aquariums have few and tiny fish that appear to be fishless. On the other hand, most cichlid keepers don’t care about scape and will be fine with a few ugly, broken flower pots to house the inhabitants. I was like that before, but only recently discovered the joy of aquatic gardening and evolved into equal opportunity focus on fish, scape and plants.