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why is it....


4 Jun 2011
every time i clean my tank my adult female cory goes around depositing eggs everywhere,i would'nt mind if there was a male to fertilise them but she just sticks them everywhere.i have just recently added some juveniles that i hope may breed at some stage... i'm not complaining but it just seems odd.
It just strikes me as odd that there is no mature male capable of fertilising the eggs as all they end up as is free food for the other tank mates.
no i never use cold water,i use the mixer tap to get it as close to the required temp(usually around 25 degrees c),dunno what happens but i clean all the glass and after a couple of day's she seems to fatten up then she's off eggs everywhere.
George Farmer said:
Water changes and changes in water parameters (temp, pH etc.) will often induce spawning.

Fresh water into a Cory tank will induce spawning, mine drop eggs every week, a I got 5 females and maybe 4 males. 🙂

You can take the eggs from the glass, they are quite hard and will drop to the bottom.
