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Why are my rainbowfish chasing bronze corys?


30 Dec 2019
Warsaw, Poland
I recently got a group of 8 banded rainbowfish (Melanotaenia trifsciata) and 10 bronze corys to bump up my existing school of 5. However, the corys are only a bit larger than 1cm and get chased around constantly by the 7cm rainbows - targeted individually, that is. Why is this happening? Are the rainbows treating the corys as food even though they're still far too large for them to swallow? I'd heard they were peaceful community fish.

Will this problem solve itself as they get used to each other or will I have to relocate the corys to a growout (and if so, would 20l with 3 water changes a week be enough for a group of 10 baby corys)?