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Why are Eleocharis Parvula leaves turning white?

80L tank
Azoo clay based substrate
External Fluval 1000L/h
EI dosing 3 times macro 3 times micro
Pressurized CO2 system set to turn drop checker yellow since no fauna in tank
24W T5HO
Only flora is Eleocharis Parvula
50% weekly wc
Temperature is a bit on the hight side, over 30 degrees Celsius for sure

Leaves are turning white from Iron deficiencies? I thought they should have turned yellow ...
I would say bring that tempt down. Is there much point to having the dc yellow? I'd keep it lime green at most. I don't see the added benefit of running it that high. If running more light then yeah maybe.
I grow the other DHG with the DC green, all in one fert dosed daily, light is 3x8w T5NO over a 28L. Mine stays bright green. I ran the DC yellow and only achieved an empty bottle faster.
The temps are high where i live this period of time. First time i see this difficiency. Leaves r still turning white to transparent and die off