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Who's entering the IAPLC 2010 (ADA contest)?

George Farmer

21 Jun 2007
Hey all,

Who is entering the IAPLC this year?

I reckon there's at least twenty+ decent 'scapers on UKAPS alone so would like to encourage a decent UK level of participation this year.

I think the most we've had is 12 entries, which I think is not a true reflection of how far the UK aquascaping scene has progressed in recent years.

I will be entering. Not sure what yet though. Maybe even a planted biotope - or a forthcoming 120cm that I'm setting up next weekend.

I don't think I'll beat my personal best of 169th but it's worth a try. I find it interesting to see how I compare with my aquascaping peers, even if it's a bit disappointing, like my 898th position a couple of years ago.

So come all, let's show the world that the UK has a enthusiastic aquascaping scene and get a load of entries! 😀

Closing date is 31st May 2010 for that's time to start from scratch for a high-growth layout...

More info -

i intend on entering again, with my 4x2x2. - i just have to overcome my block of not being able to grow blyxa. everyone says it grows like a ruddy weed!

i came 900 and something last year with my first ever layout so im hoping to improve upon that.

what i always find is that anyone who uses ADA products suddlenly gets better marks, even if the scape is poor.....
(i know its judged on more than scape etc, but you can tell when something is fishy) - no pun intended.

so hopefully entering is:

George Farmer
so its now:

George Farmer

if we keep the list going of people 'hoping' to enter we will get a good guide.
then we can see who has actually entered come the deadline.
If my new tank is any good I'll be entering in the very last week. Last come first served and all that. :lol:
Nice one, all!

Anyone else?

Peter (zig)?! Top 10 this year mate?!

Mark Evans (saintly)? You must have one by now mate?

There's plenty more I can think of too... You know who you are... (I've interviewed half a dozen of them for PFK Your Tanks).
next year maybe. This next 120 scape shall be my entry. everything previous had too many design faults. that said, the henge was OK.

i've slapped my FTS all over the web, so it probably goes against the rules.
I will more than likely enter a 60cm aquascape this year, have two 60cm tanks on the go atm one is looking pretty ok, both need more work mind you but getting there, feel better organised than last year.

Everyone should enter anyway, its a good experience.
I still feel hard done by after last year :lol: I really don't think they'll appreciate my next effort either as its even more odd ball :lol: Wont be ready in time anyway, still need to manufacture a few custom items :silent: Nelson, not a word to anyone! :shh: :lol:
a man with a plan! thay ive got to see....

the more uk entires the better. feel free to add your name to the list if you reckon you will be entering.
I am considering it, would be cool. Would be proud to be up there with ukaps posse!
Just don't want to come last 😵
JamesM said:
I still feel hard done by after last year :lol: I really don't think they'll appreciate my next effort either as its even more odd ball :lol: Wont be ready in time anyway, still need to manufacture a few custom items :silent: Nelson, not a word to anyone! :shh: :lol:

I think you were too, it didn't deserve to be that low :thumbdown:
A lot of the european entries have been placed much lower than they deserve. I personally think there's a subliminal or unintentional bias towards eastern scapes which invariably place much higher than I often feel they deserve. Large tanks especially always place much higher than their quality suggests. This could be sour grapes though because my favorite scapes invariably never place highly.

There's a tank based on Avatar doing the rounds on another forum which I personally hate, in my opinion it couldn't be tackier but I've a sneaking suspicion that if it's entered in ADA it'll be top 10.
I am hoping to enter if everything grows in my tank. :lol:

George Farmer
Krish's Bettas
Not for me this year, it's been a hectic 12 months for me, my latest scape will be started of the next month or so but i doubt it'll be ready for the closing date. Next year i'm sure!