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white jelly things


23 Jan 2018
in one of my fry tanks I have an outbreak of small white jelly things that look like anenomies

the biggest are about 2mm, they start off as single small lines, and then seem to grow 'arms' with dots on the end.

I thought they could be hydra, but they don't look like any pics on google of hydra 😕

I'm guessing the outbreak is because of the liquid food I've been feeding, I'm guessing they are some sort of filter feeder.

I've tried to take pics but as they are on the glass, I cant get any photos in focus

any ideas what they could be?
thanks Gill, will the worming powder harm the fry? ....where can I by it?

these things look similar, but different. They don't have the main 'trunk' and look more compact - are there different species?
Wont harm any fry or shrimp, but snails can be succeptable to it.
There are a few differing types of hydra but dont know the strains.

I had hydra in one of my tanks a few years back.And Panacur worked great with only a tiny, and i mean tiny dose of a powder mixed with tank water. plus you can get it online from veterinary suppliers for a few quid.