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White algae?


New Member
20 Oct 2022
Isle of sheppey Kent
Hi all I have got what looks like white algae/fungus growing on my wood hardscape the tank has only been up and running for 5 days and there are no fish but quite a lot of plants. The tank is 400ltr with under tank sump filter and running at a temp of 27c, the light isa full spectrum led which can be dimmed and is running at 50% water parameters are no3=25 no2=0 gh=14 kh6 ph=6.8 and ammonia =0 does this sound ok or should I be worried or is it because it’s a new setup and it’s stuff is coming out of the wood. many thanks in advance for any reply’s 😁👍👍
Hi Ya
A couple of pics of some nice chunky wood fungus not long after set up in my tank.

So long as it’s not smothering ur plants, u should be fine. You can give it a scrape if it gets big (like this stuff) but it will likely re-appear for a while.

This lot cleared within a few weeks, once the wood stopped leaching so much. 😊