James O
I'm looking at a 300-360l tank that's between 180-200cm long. Substrate will be planted with 2/3 groups of cryps and Echinodorus ie not much. Most of the plants I intend to place between rocks and on wood. Swimmers will be rainbows. I use flourish & excel but plan to go onto Gluta-whathisname due to the tank size
I'm pretty set that the Filter will draw from one end and output at the other but I'm not sure on flow. I could have a couple of powerheads blowing towards the inflow. Or I could use a pump attached to a full length spraybar for a cyclical movement.
What do you think based on my looooooong tank?
I'm pretty set that the Filter will draw from one end and output at the other but I'm not sure on flow. I could have a couple of powerheads blowing towards the inflow. Or I could use a pump attached to a full length spraybar for a cyclical movement.
What do you think based on my looooooong tank?