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Which phone?


17 Oct 2007
Hi guys,

My contract is up for renewal and I'm wondering what phone/network to go for. I had an HTC hero which was rubbish and died very quickly, now I have an HTC desire. I haven't been too impressed with it as often it thinks I'm swiping a direction when I'm not. So trying to do most things with it drive me mad, although this fault is intermittent. Plus if I select a conversation from my message history it quite often opens the wrong one, which can happen up to about 4 times before it opens the right one. Although, I haven't heard of anyone else having problems like this with their desire.

I was considering the HTC sensation, anyone have any experience with this phone? I am really not a fan of iTunes so I think I'd rather steer clear of an iPhone. I quite like how with my current phone I can use it as a storage device by drag and dropping files or sync if I want. Oh, I am currently on Orange but I am sick to the back teeth with them. I am thinking I'd like to move to Vodafone.

Any help or advice would be gratefully received :thumbup:
I have a HTC HD7 and I think its the best phone I have ever owned. Plus with the new update due in a week or so its gonna give the iOS a run for its money. I would recommend the HD7 my wife has an iphone and she is jealous of my phone. :lol:
I've got a great phone. Nokia 1616. It lets me ring people and its got that newfangled textty thingamy on it too 🙂 Battery also lasts for 3 weeks.

The bove is true as far from being a technophobe I have no interest in vierwing small piccies on small screens nor using the internet when I am out of the house.

Wife has now got a Galaxy S2. Bettery needs charging up twice a day. lol. Superb phone in terms of what it can do however the battery life is terrible.

theres only one real choice in phone os, thats android.

Given the above, theres only one real choice of handset, samsung galaxy s2.

The above poster with a galaxy s2 and poor battery performance may want to head over to xda devs and get some custom roms rocking on the phone, and/or keep it updated via kies (samsung software) which have continually improving battery performance.
tyrophagus said:
Mate get yourself an iPhone 5 in a months time and you'll understand what a smartphone is really meant to be.

I have the iPhone 4 and I am a total convert. Always had blackberries from work, and resisted for as long as I could against the iPhone but when the contracts became accessible I got one.

There isn't anything better that I know. 🙂

Iphones are great (bit funny suggesting a model not yet even released though, highlights the inadequacy of the currently released model... in 5 years time the flagship android model will be amazing... u get the drift) if you like walled gardens with no control of your eco system and essentially just a load of short cuts to the apps, as opposed a fully fledged open source and mature operating system that gives you total control and freedom over everything you do with the hardware and software.

And I'm not one of these anti apple types, I have ipods, modded ipods, an ipad and am writing this on my mbp, but for phones, android is the only real option.
I like open source, full control of a piece of hardware, etc, but the iPhone does everything I need.


Calls, txts, browses the web, ha lots and lots of apps, take amazing photos , good videos and the kids love it. Two or three apps for them installed.

You see I work with open source all day, either trying to find vulnerabilities or providing documentation for it, and it is very refreshing to have something that just works.

May get the iPhone 5 if it has a bigger screen. 🙂

Considering the op stated that an iphone wouldn't be what was wanted, I find it interesting that you would suggest an iphone.

Tbh, after using an ipad, I would be bored with an iphone in a day. Not to mention I like the speed afforded from having a dual core phone.

I would be interested to hear about what aspect of the android operating system doesn't "just work", infact, I would like to hear about anything android lacks when compared to ios.
🙂 I got no idea what part of an android does not work, never owned one, I just know that everything on the iPhone works perfectly. That is enough for me. 🙂

I should've read the original post carefully, so due to iTunes the iPhone is out of the picture.

Get maybe a Nokia? 🙂

By the way, there is one app that is not available on android, just remembered, hipstamatic. Great app for pictures, and not on android. There may be more. 🙂

Also maybe security issues? Just do a search about it. That alone should be reason enough not to get one.

Yep, Nokias are a better option. The E90 looks pretty cool. 🙂

So you mentioned you work with open source projects and then compared and contrasted against ios and how ios "just works" and you then admit you have no experience with android whatsoever?

I am sure there is more than 1 app also, but tbh, given that android is the newest player in town, it is decimating the market for a reason.

You may want to check it out, you will be able to more accurately compare with the magical iphone then lol

Still, given that everything works on the iphone... aside from its ability to make and receive calls without a £20 piece of plastic, I agree, the iphone is the best there is <<<<< tongue in cheek, for those literal types.
http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/product ... ifications

This is the phone for us! IP 67 certificate (tested in the depth of 1m for half an hour), but still an Android smartphone! Imagine yourself maintaining your aquarium... It always happens that your phone rings! Until you dry your hands your phone stops ringing, and you have to call back. That is the matter of past with this phone.

And you can even get underwater picrures in your aquarium 😉
@dazzer1975 , open source is just not android you know? 🙂

I work with servers, workstations and apps, and there are a lot of open source enterprise software for those.

I like open source, but really like iOS and the iPhone.

Makes sense?

Also not sure what piece of plastic you are talking about, mine works fine out of the box. 🙂

Now that ericson sounds cool, would be amazing to take a underwater photo or a video with your phone.

ghostsword said:
@dazzer1975 , open source is just not android you know? 🙂

I work with servers, workstations and apps, and there are a lot of open source enterprise software for those.

I like open source, but really like iOS and the iPhone.

Makes sense?


Unbelievable, of course open source is not just android.

But in a discussion regarding android, you mentioned your work with open source projects, given the fact that android is not the sole open source piece of software out there, I fail to understand the relationship between your mentioning the unreliability of open source against the reliability of ios, especially when you weren't even referring to android.

as for the antena issue, you may want to read this, indeed for a time, apple provided bits of plastic to all iphone owners.

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38263228/ns ... ne-owners/
I have a random issue with txts where I send it to 1 person then it shows in another conversation. Only happened a few times. Also when replying to a txt I tap it out, hit send then it says to insert recipient number. Quote annoying.

HTC Desire. Default sms app.

Girlfriend has I-phone and I hate it. I just drag n drop music, vids to my fone she has to mess around with silly I Tunes app thingy.

Pocket frogs for Android, that's what we want.
Thing with the closed iOS vs Open Android is that the people who just want a phone that works and is fun to use don't care. Its the geeks (count me in) that want control and ability to modify things. Personally I find the quality of apple products astounding.

Soon iTunes will be less of an issue as you will keep all your "stuff" in the cloud and iOS 5 let's the phone be used without iTunes.

I recommended the newest model of the iPhone to the OP as it's being released this month. No point buying old gear.

By the way foxcon are said to be producing 150000 iPhone 5's a day. That's a huge production level for a phone that's not even been released yet.
But I never said that android dies not work. I just said that after working with open source for a whole day I like to have a phone that does what it says on the box. No security issues, I get the apps I need, looks nice and plays music.

I get your position, got lots like that at work, if it is open source it is good. 🙂 , follow the hype so to speak.

I don't know about previous iPhones, they were too expensive for me, so I had a blackberry connected to a BES. It was amazing, until they brought the storm out. 🙂

When the iPhone became available at cheaper prices I got it. £35 for unlimited Internet, lots of apps and plays music and has great photo capabilities? What's not to like? Would have to be mad to not have one.

If it works, make financial sense and does not give me grief, especially security wise, then it is good for me.

But I am not putting android down, maybe they are amazing phones, and OS is fab, my two brothers have phones with android and they like them. 🙂

ghostsword said:
But I never said that android dies not work.

No you didn't, you tried being sneakier than that by inferring an association with open source and unreliability. If not, why else compare open source to ios?

There is no comparison to be had, android isn't open source in the sense of linux whereby the community essentially polishes a bare bones release.

Googl;e create a very polished and finished product, except they open source it, 'cause that's how they roll.

I get your position, got lots like that at work, if it is open source it is good. 🙂 , follow the hype so to speak.

Now't to do with hype, it's to do with the fact IOS is a closed ecosystem that only allows me to do things if steve jobs deems it so.

Before android, I was on win mob, no issue with it, very happy infact, again though, I could do what i wanted with it.

Open source isn't the reason i'm bigging up android.

Closed system of ios is the reason im dissing apple... there is a difference between the two positions.

I don't know about previous iPhones, they were too expensive for me, so I had a blackberry connected to a BES. It was amazing, until they brought the storm out. 🙂

you dont need to know about previous iphones, everything i have mentioned has been in connection with the current iteration.

When the iPhone became available at cheaper prices I got it. £35 for unlimited Internet, lots of apps and plays music and has great photo capabilities? What's not to like? Would have to be mad to not have one, just because I have a need to stick it to the man and use open source. Sorry dude, I'm past those delusions. If it works, make financial sense and does not give me grief, especially security wise, then it is good for me.

As explained, it's now't to do with sticking it to the man, its to do with not wanting to be paying 500 quid for a piece of technology that is fundamentally crippled from the get go. As it is, I use android and enjoy moving my apps to sdcard, use the phone as a wireless hotspot, or connect it to my tv and play games via dlna, record 1080p hd video customise the display and settings exactly to my liking, drag and drop movies and music and pictures without bothering with itunes, ota software updates without ever having to connect it to a pc, simply unbeatable performance with its 1.2ghz dual core cpu and 1gb ram and enjoy browsing and movie/tv watching with the large screen yet being thinner and lighter than the iphone, and to top it off, there is even an app that will unlock the phone if locked to a carrier (needs to be rooted though, and yes, that doesn't void any warranty, but for those who are concerned, a jig can be used to reset the fw update record)

to be fair though, android is probably a bit more feminine than the iphone... it has true multitasking.

oh, and did I mention I paid £400 sim free for it?