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Where's the best place to buy plants near Plymouth?


31 Dec 2013
Richmond North yorkshire
I was just wondering where the best place to buy good tropical plants from near Plymouth.

I would prefer to go to the shops and see the plants myself then order online. I have been to Emperor tropicals in Plymouth but they don't have much of a selection which I was disappointed with as they are an "award winning" shop. Also anywhere that is located close to the M5 as I often drive all the way down on it.

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don't have much of a selection
You'll find that a normal occurrence.
I will be interested in any suggestions too
If its quality of the plants you are worried about i wouldn't be afraid to order online! especially from the sponsors of this forum, I've had personal experience with aqua essentials and the plants arrived through the post in better condition than any plants I've bought from a store (and that's personally picking the best available)

If its the look and feel then my 2 pence in invalid as you can only really get a feel to fit your tank when seen in person 🙁

I have found a maidenhead shop in Plymouth think I will give that a look in? Anyone been there?
Might have a drop by there to Tom.
Cheers nutty if all fails I will end up going to aqua essentials! 🙂

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