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Where to start?

Mumma Jones

11 Aug 2018

I have a Juwel Rio 300. I am after some help where to start with lighting times, fertilisers and Co2 etc?

I have had the tank running for over a year with fish and plants. I live where i can not buy C02 kits so i am using liquid API C02, Flourish, Iron and Potassium. The lights are 54w x4 with 2 reflectors.

Currently i have the lights on for 6hrs a day, dosing 7ml Co2 as said on the bottle and following the bottles for the fertilisers. I am constantly battling algae. Diatoms and green slime algae atm.

I found the internal filter was not working well so removed that and put on a canister filter. i have since had a diatom problem with white cloudy water. I have installed a RO system and have for the past 2 weeks been doing large 60-70% water changes. tap water here is high in silicates etc I have just started to add Stability to my tank to build up the good bacteria in the filter media and hopefully get rid of the cloudy water.

I have been doing lots of research but there is so much conflicting information any help would be appreciated.

Thank you

I found the internal filter was not working well so removed that and put on a canister filter.
Did you add any old filter material to the Canister Filter?

I have installed a RO system and have for the past 2 weeks been doing large 60-70% water changes
How often are these changes?
At each change are you adding the Stability at the recommended dosage?

Is it possible the tank is recycling?

Are you using carbon in your filter? If so remove it immediately.

I have been doing lots of research but there is so much conflicting information any help would be appreciated.
That is very common in Aquarium and many other Forums.
The secret is knowing where it came from.

Many believe Dr Google is always right.

A photo of your tank would certainly help plus a full information list about your tank will certainly help.

54w x4 with 2 reflectors
Thar sounds like a lot of light. The amount of light that needs a lot of CO2. From the top of my head i would say go to max two, maybe even one T5 without reflectors to get back to healthy plants. Aim for low light.
Trim away badly damaged leaves, clean thouroughly and do 50% waterchanges twice a weak ( if RO is readily available you can use 50% tyap 50% RO), add ferts after the waterchange ( dont know wheter Flourish contains N and P).
Do this for 5 weeks and report back, pics will help.
Hi Keith,
I haven’t put any old in the new but I had both filters running for a while before I took the internal one out. I thought it would have been long enough to build up the good bacteria but maybe not. Yes from researching diatoms and cloudy water on an established tank it sounds like it could be recycling.
I have only just started adding stability the last two days and haven’t done a water change yet. I was changing the water every 3 days when the diatoms were bad before the cloudy water. I had just put carbon in the filter about a week ago, what is it doing I should take it out?
Thanks x
Hi Edvert,
So your saying just run one or two lights but still at the same length of time?
The plants are growing they are just covered in diatoms, the fast growing plants have plenty of lush green at the top and the rest is brown.

Also why have you said to do 50% RO and 50% tap? My tap water is high in silicates and that’s what diatoms feed off isn’t it?

Thanks I will start to run only one or two lights etc and see how it goes!

I had just put carbon in the filter about a week ago, what is it doing I should take it out?

I suggest you post a full water parameters test results (not the pH) if its Cycling it will be all over the place.
Tell us how the test was done and testing equipment used.

I tested nitrate, nitrite, ammonia and all 0 done with API test kit.

Here are some photos of the tank with only two lights on.


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A lot of the time algae is a waiting game. I find diatoms are triggered by ammonia, as are many other algaes. You might not be able to measure this ammonia but trace amounts could be present. Once plant growth and the filter are properly established, algae should start to subside.

In the mean time, try to remove algae manually as best as you can and start with low light until you feel it is time to build up to higher light levels (once everything is established.)

I found the internal filter was not working well so removed that and put on a canister filter.
What canister filter do you have now Brand and Model please?

In general having more plants will help stabilizing, you could add some cheap pondplants to carry you over.

I fully agree see if you can get the cheap floating water sprite it grows like a weed.

Looking at your tank I can see a few points that should help to clean your water up.

1 I would remove those two large rocks reasons being, take up a lot of water capacity, and restricting the water flow.
2 It looks like your filter outlet and inlet are at the same end. This certainly is not the best location for either the inlet or outlet as it restricts a good water flow. I would move either the inlet or outlet to the opposite end. Re the outlet position the outlet holes so they pointing slightly down.

Once those large rocks are removed I would move the piece of DW to the left up to those smaller rocks reason being the DW is too central.

i just bought a canister filter off ebay (no name) it does 1850L/hr and my tank is 350Ls. oh i really like the rocks 🙁 would the restricted flow be why when i syphon the gravel there is always a lot of poo even though i've just cleaned it a couple of days earlier?

So far i've taken the carbon out of the filter, i have been adding stability everyday which i think has started to make a difference with the white cloudy water, i've been doing large water changes about every three days and only have two bulbs on for 5 hours a day. I have also reduced the amount of fish food and have been washing the blood worms before feeding.

I feel like the brown algae is still covering my plants slowly. i will remove the rocks and move one of the outlets.
All readings for nitrite,nitrate and ammonia are still 0. Is there anything else i should test for?

I live remote WA and i dont have access to cheap pond plants.

Thanks for your help.😉
Why can't you buy CO2 kits? Surely you can order a regulator and use a fire extinguisher instead?