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When will I learn?

Quick delivery means nowt when it arrives smashed!
I guess it means they're really quick about smashing it up for you :crazy:

Hope you got a refund?

So wasteful for the environment when the seller sends a whole thing of straight up glass without even trying to package it.
They might as well have taken a hammer to it themselves.
Not to buy tanks from Amazon... Quick delivery means nowt when it arrives smashed! Don't think I've ever seen such poor packaging either 🙁
Bummer, sorry about your troubles. Hopefully they can get you a replacement sent asap.

I just got one from a vendor off of Amazon and had the opposite experience. It was triple boxed with some of the best effort packaging I have ever seen. It arrived in immaculate shape thankfully. So, it may be just bad luck. One thing I have noticed is I always get the worst packaging when the item is fullfilled by Amazon. They really need to train their warehouse employees better imo...
Its just one of those things. We order from Amazon a lot, and things are bound to happen. My father in law started using Amazon for his plants, and other things recently, and he had one bad experience, and said he wouldn't order from them again. I explained to him that you will get the odd issue now and again, but on the whole they are pretty good.