Hope someone can help me with these plant issues.
I uprooted everything in my tank about a week ago and changed the layout since I added some new lights.
T5's 2x39w over 200 litres.
I purchased some new plants and one of them in particular is looking worse every morning.
Here is the echinodorus cordifolius fluitans which has been in the tank now around 4 days:

Is this a potassium deficiency? or is the plant just melting and will it come back stronger like a crypt? I've also just started adding 2ml liquid carbon could this be the problem?
I also purchased echinodorus ozelot which is doing fine and actually producing a nice new leaf so strange how both plants are in different health.
The next picture is of my Java Fern which was initially always covered in BBA algae at the tips, over the last couple of weeks I've noticed the BBA has gone and been replaced with another type of brown hair algae.

I did some research and think it may be Staghorn as like I said uprooted everything, the tank was so bad. I did do a massive water change but I probably shouldn't of done so much in one go, but I wanted to get it done. Fingers crossed diatoms ain't next. I presume keeping my tank/filters cleaner and using liquid carbon might slowly solve this issue?
Here is the last picture and its of my bulb plant: It might be aponogeton ulvaceu I cant remember now and I also have a nymphaea lotus bulb which wasn't doing great either.

This bulb actually died few months back but randomly shot up again and since moving its now melting/dieing,
I cant really give anymore information on my tank as I've kind of started again. Every plant in the tank has been moved, trimmed and replanted so I think its all still settling. I've just started EI again as I was just feeding once a week or when I could be bothered as I lost interest due to my old lights. I've also started liquid carbon for the third day and I'm doing 2ml so am starting real low dose as I always get fish problems... I am already noticing fish breathing rapidly again.. so as EI is harmless it has to be the carbon. This also was the issue last year when I did CO2.
Any help would be great as it seems I've got healthy plants with struggling plants, while I wait I will have a read on James algae guide in my bookmarks but am just not sure whats wrong with plant number one and three.
Hope someone can help me with these plant issues.
I uprooted everything in my tank about a week ago and changed the layout since I added some new lights.
T5's 2x39w over 200 litres.
I purchased some new plants and one of them in particular is looking worse every morning.
Here is the echinodorus cordifolius fluitans which has been in the tank now around 4 days:

Is this a potassium deficiency? or is the plant just melting and will it come back stronger like a crypt? I've also just started adding 2ml liquid carbon could this be the problem?
I also purchased echinodorus ozelot which is doing fine and actually producing a nice new leaf so strange how both plants are in different health.
The next picture is of my Java Fern which was initially always covered in BBA algae at the tips, over the last couple of weeks I've noticed the BBA has gone and been replaced with another type of brown hair algae.

I did some research and think it may be Staghorn as like I said uprooted everything, the tank was so bad. I did do a massive water change but I probably shouldn't of done so much in one go, but I wanted to get it done. Fingers crossed diatoms ain't next. I presume keeping my tank/filters cleaner and using liquid carbon might slowly solve this issue?
Here is the last picture and its of my bulb plant: It might be aponogeton ulvaceu I cant remember now and I also have a nymphaea lotus bulb which wasn't doing great either.

This bulb actually died few months back but randomly shot up again and since moving its now melting/dieing,
I cant really give anymore information on my tank as I've kind of started again. Every plant in the tank has been moved, trimmed and replanted so I think its all still settling. I've just started EI again as I was just feeding once a week or when I could be bothered as I lost interest due to my old lights. I've also started liquid carbon for the third day and I'm doing 2ml so am starting real low dose as I always get fish problems... I am already noticing fish breathing rapidly again.. so as EI is harmless it has to be the carbon. This also was the issue last year when I did CO2.
Any help would be great as it seems I've got healthy plants with struggling plants, while I wait I will have a read on James algae guide in my bookmarks but am just not sure whats wrong with plant number one and three.
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