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what's this on my loach skin?


2 Jan 2011
come home tonight and noticed this on my loach what is it and will lots of W/c cure it?
I have a tank with two discus in it along with tetra so I can't add meds to the tank as it will effect the discus.76b5fc37.jpg 31a326c7.jpg

thanks in advance.
just seen he's breathing fast and also got one puffy eye too
36d31f34.jpg yep I think he's ripped off a small dorsal fin not main one whats the options? a harsh way flush him away or think he will get better without infecting the tank with his open wounds
he likes bloody getting Into tight spots like between heater and bog wood or glass and bogwood, I've had himfor two years never a cut or nothing and it's all stayed the same inside the tank :s what about the big eye will that go down do you think with just more clean W/C
in all honesty I have no idea why I said my loach it was a quick thread I posted, it was sol to me as a talking catfish.
I would probably just add some Melafix - it's fine with Discus. Should aid healing.
My brother had one of the black with white spot talking catfish (agamexis pectinifrons), it sat on a heater and burnt a huge hole in its side but my brother just tipped a bit of salt into the wound and it healed up and lived for about 20 years.