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What type of Aquascape is this please?


25 Feb 2017
Found this aquarium called Simplicity on YouTube by Vladimir Stojanovic. Is there a name for this style of scaping please?

I'd like to have a look at a few others but not really sure what magic words to feed in to YouTube.

I would say it is an Iwagumi 🙂 With river pebbles...


Or at least an attempt. That would be for a judge to decide. That I'm not.
I'd say it was in the Iwagumi style as well. I guess these days Iwagumi can just as well mean any rock dominated scape, rather than in the purist sense of Japanese Zen or stone gardens...
Zozo, Tim, thank you both for all the help, really appreciated.

For my first, non fancy goldfish aquarium, I went down the Redmoor Root way and it's only since I've started doing my weekly clean up routine that I've I realised I didn't leave a lot of space in between the branches for maintenance. Next one will be something with more space and cleaner lines. Now having a whole range of black cobbles and pebbles, this one came to mind.
Excellent 😀
an excuse to post another link to my favourite black cobble scape 😉 (from Alper Kurt blog - check his Instagram for more “cobble” pix )

AQUASCAPE „FREERIDE“ for Paludomus loricatus (“Red Spotted Bella Snail” acc. Aquarium Glaser)

Alto, thank you for the links, got me even more interested in the Iwagumi style. I think my main worry would be the security of large (Oyaishi) stone, I can see from the Simplicity set up that polystyrene was used as a form of support and to raise the cobbles higher.