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What to do.....


23 Apr 2013
So below is a picture of my 200L tank.

My question is what do you think i should add to this? At the moment ive got hygrophila polysperma, ludwigia repens, Wisteria and Cabomba.

Im thinking about removing the Cabomba as its just not doing anything for me.

What type of plants could i attach to the rocks?
what plants do you think i could add? Foreground and background ones.
Any general changes you think would be better?

Im happy with my tank as it is but its nowhere near perfect.

Do you have any info regarding lighting, CO2 etc? This would help members gauge which plants would be ideal for your tank. I think that you should definitely add a foreground plant but it is hard to tell you what you should get! Welcome to the forum, by the way!🙂
Lighting wise theres 3 x 39w T5 Bulbs, theres no CO2 at the moment but its something that is in the pipeline same with ferts. Theres a layer of ADA Aquasoil in the tank aswell.

Thanks for the welcome 🙂
If you are plant lover...
1) Add DIY co2 which cost you 1 spoon of sugar, 70-90p for yeast from any food shop and an empty fizzy drink botle. Google it
2)Add all the maintenance which comes with co2 not forgeting some sort of all in one fertiliser. Google it
3)Add easy foreground plant (hairgrass or marsilea)
4)Watch it grow.
5)Welcome to the club of junkies, you can buy pressurised co2 now.
I would have all the rocks at one end of the tank stacked up creating a sloped scape and have tall plants behind it and the foreground plants at the other end of the tank.