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What plant?

G H Nelson

Moderator/Committee Member
14 Dec 2008
Hemel Hempstead, UK.
Hi Crew...and Mick D.
Can you identify this plant?
Submerged transformed leaf with red veins.
Just below a emersed leaf...stem has a salmon pinkish colour on some parts.
You can't remove the leaf without stripping some outer skin.
I decided to cut them off.

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Hi Trio
No just the tops at the moment...leaves are very delicate.
Got the pot from Maidenhead Aquatics...2 weeks ago no label.

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It reminded me of a journal I read the other week. Resembles Ludwigia Glandulosa, but not yet fully developed.
Stem doesn't really look Ludwigia, neither does the stem of the leaves. Ludwigia sphaerocarpa comes closest, but I don't think it's that one.
It look very " Nesaea-ish ", to me. There are several species. Did it go red very fast (as in a few days) after being submerged??
Is the stem "fragile" and "crunchy" or more difficult (= need fingernails or sciccors) to break??
But, (as I allways say, I know)......pictures of leaves are not very good for ID, since leaves look quite different according to environment !!
- if you could let part of the plant grow out of water, it would probaply flower (Ludwigia defenitely would), making ID a lot easier.......
If it's Nesaea, it likes good light and reasonable ferts - and it will grow fast and easy. To be trimmed for development of bushy appearance, though.
I feel a strange, personal connection to that picture.........🙄:happy:
- but I'm quite sure your plant is not standard Neseae crassicaulis. Another species or some variety.
That would have been my next guess too:shifty:...Maybe we'll all have to wait till it grows a bit more before it can be positively ID'd.
You can't remove a leaf without striping some skin off.
Its a crunchy stem....the leaves are quite soft to touch.
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Your plant MIGHT be Ammania latifolia (seems the Nesaea's are re-named as Ammania's..........this was Nesaeae latifolia earlier). The somewhat "nerved" colouration of leaves fits !!
- unless, ofcourse, your plant have coloured up totally by now, and fit pic.s of crassicaulis......😉