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What is uprooting my Limnophila?


10 Jun 2016
Every couple of weeks I find several stems of Limnophila Sessiflora floating around in the tank. Substrate is sand and about 5-6cm deep where plants are.

I had previously put this down to flow as often the ones floating were offcuts I had replanted. This week however some older ones with some roots were floating.

Only things I can think of are fauna uprooting them; Sterbai Cory or amanos (nerites or otos unlikely?) Or flow just being enough to pull the out.

Anything I can do to keep them planted?
Melanoides snail? They live in the substrate and dig around like little plougs all day long. They rarely surface and if you spot one than there are likely dozens.. I know i have them introduced them myself and even see small pieces of wood change position over night and also yet not rooted plants pushed out the substrate again. the can sneak in with new plants. 🙂
Melanoides snail? They live in the substrate and dig around like little plougs all day long. They rarely surface and if you spot one than there are likely dozens.. I know i have them introduced them myself and even see small pieces of wood change position over night and also yet not rooted plants pushed out the substrate again. the can sneak in with new plants. 🙂
Never seen any. Do these include MTS? I thought you would see MTS at night? Perhaps I should dig up a bit of substrate and see what is in there
Yes mts is the same brand.. 🙂
I have quite a few but i'm lucky to see 2 at a time.. And they are or can be very good camouflaged, not sure what their colors makes i guess the substrates color. Because i've seen them in light and dark colors displayed on the net. I got dark substrate and all of mine are equaly dark, would need a flashlight to spot at lights out... Mine never leave the substrate, never seen them on hardscape or on the glass and sometimes is see them move bellow the substrate, than i see only substrate move. Occasionaly i spot one at the glass edge bellow the gravel.. Not saying you must have, but it could be.. I know they can uproot things and as said even move pieces of wood, rather large pieces as well if given the time to shift the substrate bellow it. I see it happen.. 🙂

And now you mention it, i also see some smaller crypts that look like pushed out,still have the roots in the substrate but the rosette base is above it.. I guess they did it. Dunno have no other explanation..
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