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What is this algae?


14 May 2015
I thought at first it was bba, but not I'm not convinced as it's getting pretty long, some of it is probably an inch long,

Pls help with cure and Id.

Thank-you gary 2f70cd103972c912cfaa9533eef0ee64.jpg
Hair algae at a guess...

From the normal Algae page:
Hair algae is usually found on the plant leaves and decor. It comes in long strands at least 3" long, and in a variety of colours. Again this is an easily treatable algae which will disappear when correct levels are maintained in the tank.

Causes -

A) If its green - High iron. This can be because of - Water source has high iron content, out of balance fertilising, nutrient tab in the substrate leaching into the water column (poking through)
B) If its black - Low co2 levels

Solutions -

1) Increase co2 levels
2) Check fertilisers for high iron content
3) Adjust fertilisation
4) Dose flourish excel

Either by adjusting the CO2 levels or reducing the iron in the tank will get rid of this algae pretty quickly.
Its staghorn and youll be pleased its one of the easiest to combat. I find its usually a sign that you need to clean out your filters and pipes.. build up of organic matter + staghorn.
Give the tank, filters and pipes a good clean and it usually will stop growing or spreading, direct dose liquid carbon to finish off what is already present.
Cheers for the replys, hope it is an easy one to get shut of I just have one internal filter which I clean about every other week maybe 3 weekly, I have a co2 pressurised system.. When you say direct dose liquid carbon is that different to liquid Co2?

Thanks gary
So I can use my liquid co2 and just syringe it direct to the affected area?
How much though? My syringe take 3 ml full, how much would you syringe onto each area, I could end up putting about 20ml in my tank which is 54L.

If you can just guide me a bit better as don't want to overdose anything I would greatly appreciate it.. This is what I have in the cupboard d099bfe2e6b64745bf9b960548ecec88.jpg
Brilliant thanks, just regarding water changes, I do weekly ones at 25 %.. Do you mean I have to do a waterchange straight after dosing 15ml or does it matter if it's a fee days later. Cheers
Hi all,
I can hardly distinguish it from the Cladophora. Some tip?
The easy way is to try and pull it of the plant, Stagshorn is really tough and wiry. It also branches in a characteristic manner, hence the name.

You can also do it on colour. Stagshorn (Compsopogon) is a "Red Algae", and Cladophora is a "Green Algae". It is only the green algae that are "grass green", because they have the same photosynthetic pigments as all the Mosses, Liverworts, Ferns and Higher plants.

Red algae are often dark in colour, sometimes with a black or grey tinge.

This is Stagshorn.

cheers Darrel