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What is on the garden this year - 2011


19 Nov 2009
Cape Town, South Africa
nice one luis, are they just planted into soil?

i had a really nice hc iwagumi in my nano i put it outside in the sun and left a small pebble from the garden balancing on the glass to hold the glass lid slightly open, i cam home when dark to find my cat sitting on it lid fully closed and all hc melted!! 🙁 my fault completely
I just have them on soil mixed with clay and some old tank substrate.

The plants are open to the elements. Some do melt, but others are doing very well.

Riccia for example has changed completely, and so as the rotalas, it looks much better.

I think that is for this reason that Wabi Kusa's from ADA look so good. I just have not managed to get a ball substrate sorted out, cannot hold its form. Need to buy one from TGM and figure out how they do it. 🙂
I believe it to be a different type of clay and the use of the moss as a binding agent.
Riccia is a floating plant, chuck it in a shallow tray of just water and you'll never be rid of the stuff.
im interested in those wabi balls tgm are selling, but i think aslong as you get a good bit of moss tied around some diy wabi balls theyll hold up fine.
I placed another acrylic tank outside, on the shade, got some floating plants and some ramshorn snails, may put some guppies on it maybe a pair or two, or just females. Having water on the garden is good as birds will drink from it.

Now imagine if one was living in the tropics ? How could would it be?

ghostsword said:
I placed another acrylic tank outside, on the shade, got some floating plants and some ramshorn snails, may put some guppies on it maybe a pair or two, or just females. Having water on the garden is good as birds will drink from it.

Now imagine if one was living in the tropics ? How could would it be?


I Like to watch the birds drinking from the barrels and Bowl in the garden.
Another thing I love watching is Wasps Drinking, they Gently Hover around untill they find a nice perch on a floating plant. Never seen them so docile as when drinking water.

Being in the Tropics is great, Pity that my Brother In laws mansion is not ready for the Tanks and Ponds. maybe when we go over next We can start setting them up.
In places with tropical climate, a pond is a favorite home for frogs, dragon flies hover there and lay their eggs, the water is soft and clear after a heavy down pour, all the fish visible through the crystal clear water.
An update of what I have now, the good weather is helping.

Bacopa on moss ball.
Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr

Lileaopsis emersed:
Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr

Hairgrass, lieaopsis and bacopa:
Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr

Unknown plant, I think that it may be Polygonum sp, not sure:
Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr

And my achievement of the year, Echinodorus radican, growing on the garden 🙂 :
Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr

Bacopa, hairgrass, lileaopsis on a moss ball, then Echinodorus radicans at the left, and Cypherus helferi on the right:
Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
Hi all,
I should have posted on this thread, the Bacopa looks like it might be Veronica beccabunga. The Polygonum looks like it is possibly Black Bindweed (Fallopia convolvulus) or even Russian Vine? or a Sorrel, doesn't look quite right for Rumex acetosa , but may be French Sorrel (Rumex scutatus).

cheers Darrel
Thanks Darrel,

The Veronica is a surprise, and a odd one, as I bought from a online shop as Bacopa. 🙂

Could I send you a couple of cuttings so that you can do a ID on it?

The unidentified one, that I thought is a Polygonum is not a Falopia, the leaves are very diferent, nothing like this:

The one I have stays small, but I am not sure what it is really, as I throw all my cuttings into that corner and I had polygonum on the tank.

This was made me think that it was polygonum emersed form, similar leaf shape. Could send you a cutting with roots for you to try out and see if you can identify.
http://www.aquaticplantcentral.com/beta ... ank-4.html
Hi all,
I'll give the Hydrocotyle a miss, I'm pretty sure it is a Hydrocotyle, but I don't know the species. The Polygonum/Persicaria/Fallopia looks familiar and it is certainly in that species grouping, but it isn't quite right for anything. There is a Polygonum sagittatum, but I've never seen it.

cheers Darrel