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What is it!


18 Feb 2015
Could some one please tell me what this is and should the hard ball be planted in the substrate or just sat on top
it''s most likely a clay firt ball.. 🙂 Do you know what plant it is?

Could be a plant growing from a tuber, like a lily.. Most plants growing of a tuber can be planted in or on the substrate. If yoy put it in only the top part (We call it the nose of the tuber in our language) where the shoots come out needs to stick above the substrate.

i got a lily in the tank and did put the tuber on the substrate, it can be done its no problem.. But since it is rooting heavily it is pulling itself down into the substrate.

Would be good to know what plant it is.. 🙂 I can't say. I know only one aquarium plant other than a lily with a tuber and forgot the name..
Nymphea lotus - earlier called Nymphea zenkerii. Popular name "Tiger Lotus" (but it is not a Lotus). Note the small, triangular leaf.
- just plant it in the gravel/substrate, covered so just the sprout is above. It will produce more or less spotted leaves of green or red-brown. To ensure good growth, you should feed it bottom fertilizer (= root tabs), since it is one of the greediest tank-plants, needing a lot of nutrients.
- It can produce a white, scented flower if allowed to grow big enough. It's a night flower, though, only open one night (not worth it, actually !!)
Yes,nymphea lotus.
I half buried mine in sand only substrate,and it's doing VERY well.
Does'nt need co2 either