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What does this mean?


11 Dec 2023
United Kingdom
Hi All,

Quick question for you all. My aquarium (sadly currently in a bright place, but not with direct sunlight) in the summer months aculates 'green water' between water changes BUT the plants don't have algae on them.

Obviously, weekly water changes rectify the problems, but I just wondered what green water (which I assume is microalgae) means when the plants don't seem attacked by it.

You’ve got more stuff in your water than your water changes, bacteria and plants can remove and that one type of algae (and probabaly more) are booming because of it.
but I just wondered what green water (which I assume is microalgae) means
There are countless algae types. What you are seeing is most probably a green algae bloom due to excess light.
You could add a UV filter untill summer passes or try reducing the sunlight somehow.
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Thank you, everyone, that confirms my thinking as well. I suspect the very bright placement is always going to be a nightmare in the summer months for me.

It's going to be UV for me, I think.