A month or two ago I got a pair of Apistogramma Macmasteri Redmask, I got the male (a very beautiful responsive fish) first from my dad, and then bought a female for him 2 weeks later, as his fishwife had died a while ago. They lived in a tank with 7 kuhli loaches and some otos. They had been doing mating dances, but he ignored her most of the time so I thought nothing of it, I wasn't obsessed with the idea of breeding them and haven't raised any fry before. About 2 weeks ago, he died unexpectedly, which I was very sad about as he made me really fall for apistos (he died the day after I fed him some frozen bloodworms with a bloated stomach, tho it could be that the female killed him according to my friend). 2 days later, I woke up and she's herding around about 30 tinytiny fry, letting them eat from the leaflitter in the tank and hiding them in seedpods. As I rather loved their father (known as Mister Apister), I decided to try to raise a few to adulthood hoping they'd be as lovely as him, and I could keep 1/2 and give away the rest (assuming I'd have maybe 2 or 3 to give away). I've been hatching brine shrimp and adding extra leaf litter.
Mister Apister, he was more beautiful and charming than this photo shows!
So... I expected the kuhlis to eat most of these babies, and they haven't. I also kinda expected mother apisto to not be a great mother as it's her first time (she's aloso quite young), but it turns out she's the perfect mother. I still have 30+ fry, I don't know if any of them have died, the number looks the same (though impossible to actually count). At 1.5 weeks old, they're still small, but now too big to be eaten by the kuhlis' tiny mouths (they sometimes eat brine shrimp next to eachother and ignore eachother now). They've come a long way and are now zooming around the tank, eating and swimming all over, and making a much lazier school. It's fun looking after them, but like all parents I'm left wondering about their future.
I have 4 tanks - my main one which they're currently in (a 65l w/ rainwater), a 45l (softwater with crystal shrimp and pgymy corys), a 25l (tap water with cherry shrimp and snails), all heavily planted, and a quarantine tank that's about 25l that isn't set up atm. Will I have to spread them across tanks to grow up? Can I put some in the tapwater tank and have them be ok? Will some die off soon? Does anyone want any when they get to the right size (also what is that size?). I'm not sure how desireable they are or if a shop would want them, and I'd happily do my best for them to grow up, but I want to know if they'll have homes to go to. Please give me your advice and experience!
Mister Apister, he was more beautiful and charming than this photo shows!
So... I expected the kuhlis to eat most of these babies, and they haven't. I also kinda expected mother apisto to not be a great mother as it's her first time (she's aloso quite young), but it turns out she's the perfect mother. I still have 30+ fry, I don't know if any of them have died, the number looks the same (though impossible to actually count). At 1.5 weeks old, they're still small, but now too big to be eaten by the kuhlis' tiny mouths (they sometimes eat brine shrimp next to eachother and ignore eachother now). They've come a long way and are now zooming around the tank, eating and swimming all over, and making a much lazier school. It's fun looking after them, but like all parents I'm left wondering about their future.
I have 4 tanks - my main one which they're currently in (a 65l w/ rainwater), a 45l (softwater with crystal shrimp and pgymy corys), a 25l (tap water with cherry shrimp and snails), all heavily planted, and a quarantine tank that's about 25l that isn't set up atm. Will I have to spread them across tanks to grow up? Can I put some in the tapwater tank and have them be ok? Will some die off soon? Does anyone want any when they get to the right size (also what is that size?). I'm not sure how desireable they are or if a shop would want them, and I'd happily do my best for them to grow up, but I want to know if they'll have homes to go to. Please give me your advice and experience!