There are a lot of recommendations for steps to take with a planted tank once the plants are 'established'.
What exactly do folks mean by this? Is it "once the plants start to grow taller/wider/new leaves"? Is it "once they've rooted into substrate/attached to hardscape"? Is it "after they've been in the tank for awhile"? Or maybe "after they've transitioned from emersed to submerged"?
I ask this because these periods of time vary from one to another (and from plant to plant), and it's tough to know when some have happened sufficiently (like rooting).
Any thoughts on this?
What exactly do folks mean by this? Is it "once the plants start to grow taller/wider/new leaves"? Is it "once they've rooted into substrate/attached to hardscape"? Is it "after they've been in the tank for awhile"? Or maybe "after they've transitioned from emersed to submerged"?
I ask this because these periods of time vary from one to another (and from plant to plant), and it's tough to know when some have happened sufficiently (like rooting).
Any thoughts on this?