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What canister filter


New Member
11 Oct 2024

I recently (three weeks ago) set up a 58ltr planted tank and only plan to have one or two fish and maybe some inverts. The filter that came with the tank has a 380l/h apparently and I’m currently using the spray bar (which I do like).

However, the filter itself does seem a little small and is fiddly to access so I’m wondering if an external canister filter would be a good idea?

If so, please could anyone recommend one that would be good for the size tank I have?

Many thanks indeed.
What filter do you have? If you’re happy with the flow with it I wouldn’t change it.

Externals for 60l tank are a bit overkill imo, a good HOB filter would suit you better?
It a Ciano Aqua 60 tank which has CF80 filter. I like the spray bar.

I’m a complete beginner but I read that a x10 flow rate of the tank size is recommended so a filter with a 500l/h would be better? I’m not sure a HOB filter would fit due to the hood.
Understood, high flow is recommended to get co2 to as much of the tank as possible, and we (some people) suggest 10x as most filters run at about half their state flow.

As you’re a beginner, I’d invest in the plants and then see how the aquarium does over time.

Externals aren’t the easiest to access either, a filter like yours in tank is much easier to manage (from my experience).

Take a photo so we can see 👍
Much depends on your budget.

Not a recommendation, just a statement of what I’m running on my two Nano’s at the moment. Neither is overkill in practice, although it may seem like it looking at the specs.
My 60L has a Biomaster *350 on it, and my 37L has an Eheim Classic 350.

I don’t use CO2 but plants grow well.

*I recently changed the body to a 250 as I didn’t need the media volume and it’s easier to handle at maintenance time.
The plants I have are doing well (I only have Limnophila, Staurogyne and Microsorum narrow). The spray bar points left to right (and slightly upwards) and although the surface is moving at the far right, it isn’t particularly vigorous.

I find the hood a bit of a nuisance as to take out the filter/heater/lights, you have to completely remove it which is actually quite difficult. I’m thinking of removing the hood as that may open up options for a canister/HOB filter, but I’m unsure if open top tanks are problematic with things like dust/evaporation/livestock jumping out etc.