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what can i grow


30 Dec 2009
hi all
i've only had my tank a couple of weeks currently on a cycle, it's a bit of an odd shaped tank at 24"x24"x24" 220litre or approx 60 us gallons, i bought this size as it suits the space that i have available.
the lights don't seem very bright but i've no idea how old the tubes are, they are two 18" t8 tubes at 15watts each, i've seen some t6 tubes that supposedly give out about 40% more light so i was planning on buying a couple, i know it's still not a lot of light for a fairly deep tank but was just wondering what plants that i might be able to grow with this kind of set up. :wave:
30W of t8 on a deep 60US gallon tank. Very low lighting there.
You could try this lighting with good CO2 and nutrient dosing. The results may surprise you with what you can grow. Albeit, growth will be slow.
I personally would add one 24W linear t5 bulb to accompany the 2x15W t8s.
All bulbs should be fitted with reflectors.
what if i upgrade the tubes to t6 and maybe get some reflectors for them as well do you think there will be any chance of getting some low light plants to survive without co2 🙂