I am off to lfs in an hour where I have some store credit. What ferts shall I buy? Tank is 150l and will be planted about 60 to 70 percent with am swords, crypts, java, and a few others
danmil3s said:must be a good lfs to offer a choice, mine are still in the mind set that ferts cause algae.
nayr88 said:Got to second what Alastair posted.
Tropica TPN+ is a great fertiliser but for a tank your self yourll really want to do your own mixing with salts or buy one from our sponsor and not worry yourself with the maths just yet haha.
Peiceoffish is selling 1l bottles of carbon extremely cheap so give him a pm
nayr88 said:Basically the more light you have the faster the plants will uptake nutrients and co2
But if someone could back me up on that, not quite sure if I worded it right haha.
Yourll get TPN+ from one of our great sponsor 🙂
I'd still start with a double dosing recommended amount and see if you noticing any yellowing or holes in leaves or even algae. Then you can See what you lacking or in need of.
Your lights are fine aswell 🙂 do they have reflectors?
Viv said:The juwel reflectors clip onto the tube itself so the flimsiness of the flaps isn't a problem from that aspect. Could you use reflectors like that?
Viv said:Definitely applies to T5's as well 😀 Don't know about the wpg but it makes sense as you're directing all the light downwards.
Alastair said:To be honest I never saw that much diffetence when I used the reflectors when I originally had t5s.